Things I learned today (Part 2)

Bellingham is practically a striker. Rice is good but as a package Iā€™d take the French midfield any day

I wouldnā€™t know much about it but canā€™t understand how Philips has gone back so much.

Sure heā€™s barely played a minute in a few years

So both out at the quarter finals stage so.

Rice and Barkley will make a wonderful partnership

The UK changed bank notes and you canā€™t use the old ones now.

News to me as I donā€™t be over there much. How, why, or when they changed, I canā€™t find out.

Burned out or injury prone?

The war in Ukraine is vital to the US economy.

He sat on the bench at City, barely kicked a ball

Heā€™s exactly what they need and needed. If they donā€™t do it, it wont be because of him

Southgate is an absolute gent.

Middle aged men from rural Ireland actually stay up all night and watch the Superbowl.

What time did it finish? I see coverage started around 10.45 on Virgin 2

The Superbowl was on yesterday.


Leucistic Blackbirds are white.

Iā€™ve never seen one though.

I learnt it the other day but still find it amusing that there is an Irish Parking Association.


Iā€™m a big fan of their beer


Apple Music pays the NFL $50 million annually to sponsor the Super Bowl halftime show.

But Usher wonā€™t get any of that money.

Instead, heā€™ll perform for free, leveraging the exposure to gain followers, sell tickets, and increase streaming numbers.

Hereā€™s how it works :point_down:

Some of the worldā€™s most famous artists have performed at the Super Bowl:

ā€¢ Prince
ā€¢ Michael Jackson
ā€¢ Bruce Springsteen
ā€¢ Beyonce
ā€¢ Justin Timberlake
ā€¢ The Rolling Stones
ā€¢ Rihanna

But NONE of these artists were paid.

Hereā€™s how the financials work:

ā€¢ NFL signs a $50M sponsorship deal
ā€¢ Artists get a ~$15 million production budget

This budget covers 2,000 to 3,000 part-time workers, including set design, security, dancers, and marketing.

But artists donā€™t get any of the money.

In fact, some artists end up spending millions of dollars of their own money on the performance.

The Weeknd, for instance, spent $7 million of personal cash on his show at Super Bowl 55, and Dr. Dre reportedly spent a similar amount in 2022.

So why do they do it?


The Super Bowl is watched by 115 million people.

Brands will spend $7 million for 30-second commercials during this yearā€™s game, yet Usher will receive an uninterrupted 13-minute commercial for free.

That is more valuable than his performance fee.

And the data backs it up.

ā€¢ Justin Timberlake saw a 534% increase in music sales after Super Bowl 52.
ā€¢ Travis Scottā€™s performance fee doubled from $500,000 to $1 million after Super Bowl 53.
ā€¢ Jennifer Lopez and Shakira gained 3 million Instagram followers after Super Bowl 54.

Rihannaā€™s numbers were mind-blowing, too:

ā€¢ No. 1 most-streamed artist globally
ā€¢ 17 songs in the Top 40 on Spotify
ā€¢ Gained 3 million Instagram followers
ā€¢ Fenty Beauty searches were up 833%

Even crazier, Rihannaā€™s performance had more viewers (118 million) than the game (115 million) averaged.

So itā€™s no surprise Usher has a few tricks up his sleeve.

Usher is releasing his new album ā€œComing Homeā€ just two days before the Super Bowl, hoping his performance sends it to the top of the charts.

He also signed several endorsement deals and will even be in a commercial.

But Usherā€™s big play is promoting his upcoming tour.

Stubhub says artists typically see a 50% increase in concert ticket searches after performing at the Super Bowl, and The Weeknd sold 1 million tickets after his performance.

Thatā€™s why Usher announced a 24-city arena tour yesterday, with tickets going up for sale immediately when he steps off stage.

This creates a win-win situation.

The NFL gets one of the worldā€™s top artists to perform at its biggest event for free, and the musician gets a 13-minute commercial in front of 115 million people for a fraction of what brands pay.

Thatā€™s why artists agree to do it for free.

#BeCapable #SuperBowl2024 #NFL #BUEM


Things have changed since my day.

According to the washington post, a whopping 38% of americans believe the election was stolen. What a fucking mess theyā€™ve found themselves in. ā€˜Murica.