Things I learned today (Part 2)

The Titanic was only half full on her faithful maiden voyage.


The poor passengers hadn’t a prayer.

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The actor who Gary Oldman shouted “Everyonnnne!” at in this scene, Keith Glascoe, was also a fireman with the NYFD. He died on 9/11 when the South Tower collapsed.

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The Unkillable Soldier was of part Irish stock, retired to Aghinagh parish just outside Macroom, Co Cork and is buried there at Aghinagh House.

Adrian Carton de Wiart: The story of the unkillable soldier - West Cork People.

You may have some very different opinions from myself @Gary_Birtles_Lovechi but you absolutely own this thread.


Are you listening to TRIH podcast I assume.A very easy listen. American History Tellers on Wondery is very good easy listen.Im listening to The Lewis aand Clark into the Wild one ATM.


First class was half full I believe

Was it £870 for a first class ticket? That’s something like £125k in todays terms

That was for the fanciest 2 suites. Podcast lads said that was equivalent to ÂŁ400k today


‘narcotised by the smell of blood’

There’s a few on here like him…

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Just finishing TRIH podder series on the Titanic. Very good. It certainly wasn’t at full capacity but it wasn’t half full/empty. The life boats weren’t at capacity either when they were launched. :worried:

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The 3rd class wimmin going back downstairs cause it was too cold on deck instead of getting into the life boats :scream:

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400k they mentioned

Yea I knew it was something mental. Good podcast

Listening to that podcast has made me acutely aware that I cant swim. I’d have to shoulder a woman out of the day for a lifeboat or I’d be a goner

400k i think

You’d be quite entitled to in this age of equality

Revolutionary stuff

Better off,you’d freeze to death after 20 minutes from hypothermia

Pochettino is from the town Murphy in Argentina, named after a Wexford man John James Murphy who was a hugely successful sheep farmer in the area. Bielsa travelled hours to Murphy to sign a young Poch for Newells.