Things I learned today (Part 2)



Many like that!!

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The napkin that Carles Rexach signed Messi to Barcelona on, sold for one million dollars last week.


Great tune this.

Never, ever, ever volunteer to do the weekly shop.

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Do you have to drive into the city?
That’s a disaster for a start.

Herself wasn’t feeling the best on Saturday. I had a handy day today so in my wisdom, I volunteered. Drove into Lidl (the new one) in Kilkenny with lust in hand. Mother of Jayses. Had 10,000 steps done in an hour walking around looking for shit. Had to ask some poor shop assistant about six times where various different stuff was. An absolute labyrinth. Found the beer handy enough though


If he doesn’t know the lay out of the shop it can be stressful. He should offer to do the shopping more often. He’d be more comfortable then

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The layout of the Lidl shops couldn’t be more logical, everything is exactly where you’d expect it to be


The layout of all supermarkets is pretty identical really…and Mike spends his days in them :person_shrugging:


Larger supermarkets can be tricky, but LIDL is a dream that way

A unbelievable song live

I wouldn’t be in supermarkets much but Woodie’s is a disaster. They keep moving things around seemingly for no good reason. I think it’s a tactic to make you buy more.

You’re about as useful as tits on a bull.

How’d you get on at the pride parade? Just asking like

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He was in Toronto^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1807553241468539371|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

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In fairness to you, any time I think you couldn’t be more of a moron you always come up trumps.
