Things I learned today (Part 2)

Sounds french, have you both gallic and gaelic backgrounds? Heady, firey blend of the two makes for fierce imbecilesā€¦


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Middle kids who wouldnā€™t inherit land/ the farm. Women who had opinions. Quirky people.

Scores of perfectly sane people were committed to these places for years and sometimes for lifeā€¦

Iā€™ve said it here umpteen times, in 20th century Ireland we hid our problems behind walls


And those going thru the ā€˜changeā€™

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Happened a grand uncle of mine


In our family as well. An uncle of my father was the younger son, he was fond of the booze and he was committed.


I was expecting that one.
But not from youā€¦.


I didnt make the joke mate

Very true.

There were 2000 people in Brigids in Ballinasloe in 1950s.

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Thatā€™s Galway for you.

That was just the staff.
They had their own hurling team. Won a county senior title in '51


Most of them are actually grown indoors or under cover in both countries. Mostly sent to Holland as this has the largest flower market. In most cases then sent from there to other countries.
Workers do not do well out of this.
I read about it in Rebecca Solnitā€™s excellent book Orwells Roses and there was a very good doco about this from the ABC here during the week.

I actually completely disagree with that, I love having cut flowers in the house. But I havenā€™t bought flowers from a florist in years. I have flowers in the garden (Dahlias, Cosmos, Roses etc) and the rest of the time itā€™s an interesting branch or piece of foliage, or something foraged on a walk.
Herself appreciates them, I probably enjoy them more.



Paul Ross and Jonathan Ross are brothers.

I had reason to visit Brigids about 25 years ago. It was fairly grim. I had lunch cooked by the patients.

A lot of the food they had came off their own farm.
My father had to make a delivery of flour there once upon a time. He began unloading and went to the other side of the truck to continue 2 patients came out to ā€˜helpā€™ him. He let them at it but when Dad gave them a bit of instruction to handle and stack the bags a certain way they dissappeared. Or so he thought. He went in to get the docket checked off and when the store man came out some of the delivery was missing. The 2 boys had it reloaded onto the far side of the truck.


Something I need to learn todayā€¦

There is one of the Dublin rugby schools nicknamed ā€œThe Gickā€ Who are they and why?



Someone told me before it was to do with their pitches being covered in animal shit before but I donā€™t know

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