Things I learned today (Part 2)

They hate one another so much that they won’t speak or even touch off one another not to mind fight one another.

When I was in college we had a Jewish lecturer (I forget his name, might have been Dan Levy). He refused to teach the two Egyptian students in our year, which was fine as they refused to go to his lectures anyway.

We were just a bit peeved that the two lads got good grades for not attending.

Isn’t google great…

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There’s a lot of Cavan people living in the state of Maine in the US.


100 too many,how any arab nation can accommodate any I can’t understand,
What they’re doing ATM in Palenstine is abhorrent.



Cut flowers are Kenya’s second biggest export.
Many of the flowers you buy in a florist will come from Kenya and Columbia.
Which is pretty ridiculous.


We need to wake up and smell the roses.


I assume it’s an awful lot cheaper than Holland
Nice earner for the Kenyans

JFK’s sister Rosemary was lobotomised as she had special needs and they wanted to ‘fix’ her. She deteriorated after and spent her whole adult life in an institution with the family having little to do with her. She died in 2005.

The other major factor is climate, equatorial mountains of places like Colombia and Kenya have a climate that varies little year round. Most everywhere else is seasonal unless you go indoors.

I don’t know but I suspect your everyday Kenyan isn’t making too much out of it

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Was this girl Rosemary, her sister’s inspiration for the Special Olympics?

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Was on PBS America last night, didn’t see that bit but twould make sense

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Flowers as a concept is pretty ridiculous to be fair.

You mean a lot to me, and to show you that, I’ve murdered a bunch of flowers.

You will show your gratitude for receiving them by putting their dismembered corpses on display in a prominent area of your home, like heads on a spike in the town square.

Once the decay becomes too much you will throw their rotting corpses in the bin


It’s sort of a “this is how you’ll end up if you don’t cook the dinner and put out”

That was the ‘expert’ advice.

Look at poor Eckley Soprano - hidden away in an institution. Tony didn’t even know he existed till junior spilt the beans in the doctors office… There was a lot of shame about these things back then.

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My great great grandfathers brother is down on the 1919 census as an imbecile.

What’s that?


*Must not make joke about apples falling far from tree


Supposedly there were huge amounts of people just flung into lunatic asylums here. Much more than in Magdalene laundries or mother and baby homes

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He was from Laois.