Things I learned today (Part 2)

I don’t think “Creepy Crawley” has had a writing gig in the prestigious Irish Times for a couple of years now. CdB had his measure.

Aren’t Communions usually on a Saturday?

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They used to be alright, must be a Covid thing

Can you take a day out of your holiday entitlement?

I don’t know what that is.

Really? Can you not use one of the holidays youve built up doing personal development courses? I know loads of teachers who do it Nd @RaymondCrotty explained it here before.

A course day?

You can use EPV days of course. But not everybody has EPV days or may have used them for other crucial reasons.
This isn’t me, a colleague said it today, has to take unpaid leave.
I was surprised :man_shrugging:

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You were just asking for a friend?

I wasn’t asking.

Taking a day off for some bullshit and calling it unpaid leave. Your colleague should surely be disciplined for not turning up to work.


Proof, if it were needed, that every day is a school day. It’s fortuitous that the representative from Mid Ulster no longer attends or there would have been greater outrage.

Bonkers. How on earth did those survive the last few pay agreements.

Ok mr angry. Calm down.

Fuckin public service layabouts.

Fiat used to serve wine at lunch on a Friday, you didn’t want to get one that was worked on after that

Does that not cover the communion?

That teachers are surprised they can’t take an extra day off for a family party at the expense of the taxpayer.