Things I learned today (Part 2)

Amazon do not operate in Switzerland

Some species of wasps lay eggs in spiders that turn them into zombies. The larvae control the spiders brain to spin webs, so to have a safety net for them when they hatch.

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I read that book review too. Fucking mental, had no idea some of the tricks those fuckers have in their lockers.

Not sure about book review, I read it on a fascinating facts of animals. Animal kingdom is mental.

"The jewel wasp turns its cockroach prey ā€œinto a zombieā€ with its venom and then, with her antennae as a leash, leads it back to her burrow alive, ā€œrendering the prey helpless enough to be led to its own tomb yet alive enough to remain fresh and juicy for the baby wasps to consume, organ by organā€



If a male wasp did it theyā€™d be arrested


Fuckin hell! I canā€™t access the bloody thing though.

Would the baby wasps not get caught in the web?

Not sure about that part to honest with you.

You can go onto Google maps on your phone and there is a timeline feature that shows you exactly where you have been and how you got thereā€¦ In minute detailā€¦

I was away with work recently and we went for drinks and walked for what felt like 2 days back to the hotel. A colleague showed me exactly where we left, the (massively incorrect) route we walked home and how long we were walking for. Mental shit

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I have used this in the past to fill in some gaps. Sometimes I have been surprised at the number of different fast food eateries I have called into on my way home.


We wernt particularly drunk just hadnā€™t a clue where we were really. If imagine it would be helpful alright to figure out what had happened the night before. We walked 30.mims in wrong direction before we got our bearings

Myself and @Batigol did some fierce aimless wandering when we went to Beijing before. Google Maps was banned and we were dependent on an A4 map of the city the hotel had provided. The step count was off the charts.

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Too drunk to use the same Google maps to get ye home the proper route.


Channel 4 is owned by the British State.

Calling Nottingham Forest, Notts Forest is an insult and a slight and one that Wayne Rooney deliberately engaged in.

Why so?

If you have location sharing turned on I assume

I was told that itā€™s because of Notts County.

Marcus Alonso (Chelsea) is the son of Marcus Alonso (ex-Barcelona).

Probably should have put 2 + 2 together before now to be fair.

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