Things I learned today (Part 2)

You are being misogynistic giving her a free pass for being utterly bland. It’s a particular issue you have. You are extremely patronising of women.

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First, I don’t recall commenting on her good bad or indifferent; and second, that doesn’t make any sense.

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Any criticism of a woman you leap on as misogyny.
Patronising in the extreme.

The misogynists don’t like it up em.

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You haven’t seen much of Armagh so, there is one camera constantly on him whenever they play.

He’s the Dan Shanahan of the orchard

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I obviously haven’t cos I didn’t realise Rian O’Neill is Oisins nephew

He’ll be better than the uncle

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He’s a distance to go get

He does. I like Oisin. One of the few pundits who actually understands modern football.


On Sky? Grainne McElwain is her name. A homely sort alright.

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Oisin and Paul Rouse does be great listening

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Rouse annoys me, but I do enjoy the pod.

I’m partial to O’Donoghue and Andrews at the moment.

Even Darren O’Sullivans pod is decent.

The football is way better served than the hurling. I mean I enjoy Dalo and Co but you’d get zero insight into hurling from it. They spend half the pod talking about horse racing or soccer or a list of people who were in Dalo’s pub this week. The hurling talk is just a series of cliches. Teege is the only one who offers any sort of view on the games.


World cups take place on even years that are indivisible by four.

I think it is very good. Andrews is a straight shooter. JOD plays the cute Kerry hoor.

There are 60,000 new songs uploaded on to Spotify every day.

They’re the 2 best out there atm.McGee is very good too.Very easy listening compared to Wolly whos very screechy and excitable.

Rouse is a fine host

That’s Wollies passion shining through

He also burps a lot.