Things I learned today (Part 2)

The sight of ould lads watching construction workers is one I’m sure we’ve all seen on trips into towns and cities, they might be solo observers or loosely assembled, conversing exclusively about the work they’re observing. Well apparently the Italians have a word for these lads, umarell, and some towns even give out awards for the best umarell.



I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like that

Some fellas love looking into an auld hole

The late father of a Clare all Ireland winner used to love nothing more on his way to or from Thurles to just pull the car up randomly and amble in amongst a field of cows.

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And they blame badgers for the spread of TB

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Probably in shock at the sight of good land.


That’s a lovely auld story. Great name change.

Steph Curry is only 6’2”

Sounds grand, as long as he didn’t live stream himself shrieking about paedophiles and communists and Jews. That has been known to happen with at least one other person who pulls their car up and goes walking with cows in random fields.

You’re obsessed with buff egan

Sometimes I have a bit of regret I never pursued this after school instead of some shit arts degree from UL. This is gas. Yer man telling the parents of the Midwest with kids above in Trinners to stick it up yer bollix!


And do what?

Just look at them?

Yeah, he was a cattle dealer* and had a great affinity with them. Just seemed to like being around them and sensing their vibe i suppose.

He was a bit of a character - pure hurling man who hated soccer. He was known to walk into pubs in the village and if Soccer was on the tv he would just randomly shout “H’on Giggsy, boy” in a fairly mocking/condescending manner

*cattle dealer/gangster


Good to hear that some cattle dealers treat cattle well.

Down home lads would stop their trailer in the town, go on the lock and leave the cattle in it. The crackdown on drink driving put a stop to that thankfully.

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First of all…how dare you?!

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In 1929 Jamesy Kernan, an uncle of Joe’s, died in hospital after a clash with Jim Smith of Cavan during the Ulster semi-final in Belturbet. Smith was charged with murder but the case was dismissed. Now for you…

  1. Darragh fitzgibbon is from Chareleville
  2. Darragh fitzgibbon isn’t from Chareleville


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Definitely Charleville and they can have him