Things I learned today (Part 2)

His other son plays with Ballylanders

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A son he doesn’t know about is it?

He used to be manager of some league one club who’s name escapes me.

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Reading I think.

Edit: Rochdale

Rochdale it was

:joy: :joy:


Courage and stupidity are the same thing.

I can’t argue against it. They certainly are closely related.

Bit early to be drinking, no?

Sun stroke maybe?

Sugary tea……

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There’s a separate driving test for towing a trailer


Kiwi fruit is not a vegan food.

Seoirse Bulfin is a bloke.

Why not? Are they actually kiwi eggs?

The avocado effect i think

*Kiwis aren’t the only foodstuff that falls afoul of this rule. So do almonds and avocados, among others.

Kiwis, like most commercially produced fruits, are usually grown in monocultures where they are the only crop grown on a farm and may be the only crop grown in the area. This poses a problem.

Kiwifruit vines come in male and female varieties with the male producing pollen and the female producing fruit. In order to get kiwifruit later in the season, the female flowers have to be exposed to pollen. This is what bees do, taking the pollen from the male to the female flowers as they collect nectar.

The problem is that bees can’t live near kiwifruit. They would starve because there are only flowers (and associated nectar) for a short period of time each year. As such, the kiwifruit cultivators hire beekeepers to bring in hives during flowering season. The beekeeper moves the hives around to different crops throughout the year. In a natural environment, different flowers (many of them non-agricultural) bloom at different times, allowing the bees to feed in every season except winter.

And many vegans oppose this use of animals to produce fruit. They don’t eat honey either.*


Vegans are fucking wankers.


Seoirse is the Irish for George I believe