Things I learned today (Part 2)

They are still vegan. That’s just a load of nonsense.

Sure every fucking vegtable kills insects with pesticides etc. If they want to take that view they’ll have nothing to eat.

Do they know whats required to grow soy?

Seoirse Bulfin is a Limerick man

Nick Pope plays for Newcastle

Brian Eno made a cameo appearance in Father Ted. AsFrBrian Eno, no less. How did I miss that?


Yes, they signed him during the Summer

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Angel Di Maria now plays for Juventus

Paul McGinley was awarded the freedom of Donegal

There is very little difference in terms of protection between factor 30 and factor 50 sun cream.


Walk me through that so I can get one up on the mother of my children later this evening.

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It is to do with UPF and how much ultraviolet rays get through the cream. The factor is in essence a percentage term. Factor 30 means that one in 30 ultraviolet rays get through, factor 50 is one in 50. So 93.3% or 96%


Informative rating.

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Those 3% could have you killt

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Michael Collins aul lad was 75 years old when he fathered him.


Big Mickey Collins…legend

Debbie Harry’s real name is Angela Trimble.


Declan Rice is now a team captain on A League of the Own.

He’s a bigger cunt than I first thought.


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Once I had a name and it was a gas
Soon turned out, it was a pain in the ass

*poetic license…

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