Things I learned today (Part 1)

at the risk of exposing myself to ridicule a la @Juhniallio, i only discovered today that mick jagger did backing vocals for youre so vain

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There’s a caption comp waiting to happen


Nude is a word that went out of fashion. Is there a words that went out of fashion thread?

The role of Ace Ventura was offered to Alan Rickman

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Leo gave me these just before the book came out.

38th President of the USA Gerald R Ford was born Leslie Lynch King after his birth father. Two weeks after he was born his mother left his father because he was violent towards her. Some years later she settled down with Gerald R Ford Sr and the boy took this mans name as his own.


I screwed ye - he’s going to write about it, then we will both screw ye

Gerald would have hoovered up the white vote in the Deep South with “Lynch King” as a surname.


Correct and right. He was also the only person to serve as both Vice-President and President of the United States without ever having been elected to either office.

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Succeeding the only man to be elected to both offices twice


If you put a single grain of rice on the first square of a chess board, and then double in on the next square, so two, then four on the next, then eight, sixteen etc, by the time you get to the end of the board, you’d have enough rice to cover the entire surface of India a metre deep.

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I mind being told this story in primary school


My Great Grandfather was born all the way back in the Summer of 1864, I found this to be amazing to be honest and wondered if any of our genealogist experts would know how rare it would be?

Through my younger sister a man born in 1864 has a great granddaughter aged only 18 in 2021! Great Grandfather born 1864 my Grandfather 1911, my own father 1962 and his daughter 2002. Another way of looking at it is my aunt who is only 54 had a Grandfather born in 1864 :open_mouth:

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Would this be due to successive generations of farmers inheriting land late and marrying late?

My great grandfathers were born around 1840/41 but I’d be older than you like.

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I found a picture of the man fucking hell


Id say so, he was 47 fathering my Grandfather who in turn was 51 fathering my own.

During his time in Paris towards the end of his life Brendan Behan procured young ladies for the benefit of rich American businessman - on commission. He was essentially a pimp.

Jordan Ayew the Crystal Palace player is the son of Ghanaian great Abedi Pelè

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