Things that annoy you about Ireland

Paying your taxes & keeping control of your dog would be more in line fella.

I’d be very very careful if i were you.

The admins have already be tipped off that if ypu don’t cease they will be getting asked for your details.

So make my day you cunt.

More boy done well than what i am talking about.

Its those Jez cunts i’m thinking about.

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Fuck the Jez. Shower of wankers.


Go and fuck you Cark cunt. Did you put him down yet?

In fairness if has got a taste of it he’ll be trying to do it again. Pity but sure the damage is done.


Strangely enough I find myself nodding somewhat in agreement. Galway city folk are all on the cunt spectrum, especially the women. North Galway is basically Mayo in disguise, mainly thick roasters. If you draw a line between Oranmore and Ballinasloe, anything south of that are sound enough, educated roasters. You get the odd dickhead who went to school in the city all right, but generally they can be reformed.


Can they fuck. Once a cunt, always a cunt. You know the rules.

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You have a great way of summarizing things. You’re very close to the mark here.


Ya it is. Its a she btw.
Might have someone to take her anyway.

She must have been in heat?

By and large it’s male dogs that offend.


With not a rural bone in my body (at least 6 generations back), can someone explain what the hooha here is about?

(Seriously not intending to offend anyone) but isn’t the sheep going to get it anyway?

Y but they are worthless. And getting scared can actually lessen the quality of the meat. Notwithstanding the fact some were pregnant.

Ya, thats why she was the one that was left outside and the other fella inside shed at night. Problem started when lical male terrier started to hang around, and we believe a 3rd unknown (but collie like) was around as well.

Her heat is just near alright. Hence the male dogs as well being around. Its why she was locked up. But i asked a friend to feed them both and they escaped.

But as sad as i am about her, it hurt to think she did that to the sheep. My love for animals doesn’t stop at dogs, so i am upset for the sheep too. And farmer is an emotional auld fella, so nobody is happy about this.


How long was she missing for?


What do you need specifically? An explanation why a farmer might be pissed off because someone’s dogs came into his land and killed his livestock? Not much explanation required.

It happens more than you would think. Plenty times the farmer would be waiting with the gun for the 2nd time or catch the dogs in the act. Not really a reflection on the dogs they just revert back to nature I suppose but once they have a taste for it…hounds used for foxhunting will be given a fox at as early an opportunity as possible for example to demonstrate the reward for the hunt…they will rarely enough catch one to kill it after that

You can do nothing now kev only do the right thing. Part of rural life. Your neighbours will respect you for it.

Yeah, nasty business. Mother nature.

See this is why I find it a bit mad

I think they’re insinuating the madra is gonna get it for milling into a couple of sheep, yeah? Sheep that were gonna get it anyway. From an animal who’s instinct is to do that

I find it a bit, I dunno, odd I suppose that a farmer with an understanding of animals would freak his shit for a dog doing what’s kinda natural to them. Is that not the price of having animals? Why is his monetary pain more valuable than Kevs obvious despair at having to put down a loved creature? Would kev not paying up just be enough?

Saying all that - it’s pure ignorance at never having experienced an environment so just questioning really. I don’t and will never understand the rural mind in this regard

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I also found out this week that sheep farmers thrown pups in with a ram young enough to make them afraid of sheep. Had not heard that before.

Got an unbelievable story about 5 farmers arriving in a van out the back of a factory in bantry where a communal field and sheds housed a load of sheep. The workers, many foreign nationals, completely panicked and called the cops. They shot a couple of dogs and had the entire factory under tables and everything. They thought it was a mass shooting. Cops were waiting armed to the teeth when the lads got back up the field.

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