Things that annoy you about Ireland


Things would be a lot rosier hurling wise if I was.

**[quote=“Bandage, post:291, topic:21733, full:true”]

+1. A really nasty undercurrent to his post. But that vindictive streak is usually present when you strip back any @iron_mike contribution. He seems to really despise honest to goodness people involved in GAA and football.


Coming from the greatest oxymoron ever to post on TFK

I can’t bring my cop radar detector when i go back.

i can’t bring my concealed weapon when I’m back.

Fucking tractors on major roads, mucksavages.

Flying into Dublin prior to getting my rental and douchebags in the so called big smoke acting like it’s an important world city.

Neil Prenderville.


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You’re getting very uppity there.
Irish people have nothing but distain for you if you live in the States, they have been listening to complaints for 70 years since the first of the second generation wankers started visiting.
I have to say though “Why play with the knob” is such a great summation of all things Cork.

This election has clearly rattled your cage, as kidchocolate kid.

@Kid_Chocolate is welcome anytime to double down on his claim that Galway never won a game in Munster. It’s been a long wait.


An awful lot of iish people like to refuse to accept other nations democratic processes. Yes the twitterati and the social media housewives are all up in arms and outraged. But the entire Irish media are patronising the people of the USA. The same Irish media who have spent months patronising the British for the democratic decision they made.
Then there are the type of Irish politician like Mary Lou McDonald’s who systematically covers up murder for her own political gain, Richard Boyd Barret who never worked a day in his life etcetera who are also patronising the American people for exercising democracy but seemingly not their democracy.
The Irish are a very strange race of people. Wouldn’t bother getting out of bed for their own issues but will go into depression over another state getting off their holes and excerising democracy.


I love the way it drives them ape


That’s only because an awful lot of them are either directly or indirectly soup takers who see one less place at the trough when someone like Trump comes to powere and vows to protect his country from self said soup takers

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Fao of @Horsebox


Great dexterity and hand eye coordination there @Fagan_ODowd to manage that difficult task. Stuff most of us here take for granted I suppose.


I was proud of myself. Nothing is impossible.

Any tips Fagan?

Take it off and start again.

I would say @Fagan_ODowd was some man to open an old style tetrapak - was probably seething if visitors made a bollox of it and milk everywhere

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Conor McGregor’s clone-like fans. Insufferable bunch.


That wasn’t the reason you threw your rattler out of the pram, as kidchocolate kid. Too much cheap CA wine me thinks.

Look who the cat dragged in.

Is that poor auld Steven?

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