Things that are right

Tomato is by far and away the worst soup for me - the only one I wouldn’t touch.

Vegetable with a hint of meat is the best - i.e. chicken and vegetable.

Chinese and Thai soups are the business.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Tomato is by far and away the worst soup for me - the only one I wouldn’t touch.

Vegetable with a hint of meat is the best - i.e. chicken and vegetable.[/quote]

Agreed on both counts. Potato and leek is smashing too.

Asparagus is a smashing adder to another soup but too light on subtance to be taken by itself.

Hate vegetable soup. Like the tomato though.

Seems to be a big vegetable/tomato divide.

have to agree with ye lads here too. a thick creamy chicken and veg soup is great stuff. fook tomato soup.

[quote=“Gaillimharais”]Hate vegetable soup. Like the tomato though.

Seems to be a big vegetable/tomato divide.[/quote]

I sense a poll in the offing. I don’t like vegtable soup with all those strange hard lumps in it.


soup is mighty stuff, must be homemade though, awful easy to make and a big pot of tomatoe or carrots with a few herbs or whatever is cheap as chips to make and store in the fridge for the week, perfect for when you get in the door especially this weather. Soup is very right.

powder packet soup however is something that is very very wrong, powder msg scutter, no excuse for eating it. And the cartons of avonmore while tasty would have me on the bowl in 10 minutes, never a good sign, very wrong, make it yourself

powder packet soup however is something that is very very wrong, powder msg scutter, no excuse for eating it. And the cartons of avonmore while tasty would have me on the bowl in 10 minutes, never a good sign, very wrong, make it yourself[/quote]

Good call Volvic. Packet soup is a fucking disgrace

Aye, packet soup is tasteless and needs a ton of salt to be bearable.

la dee dah alert


Place near work here does Butter Nut Squash soup - tis only divine.

Can’t bate a proper bit of homemade soup as was already said earlier.

[quote=“HBV*”]soup is mighty stuff, must be homemade though, awful easy to make and a big pot of tomatoe or carrots with a few herbs or whatever is cheap as chips to make and store in the fridge for the week, perfect for when you get in the door especially this weather. Soup is very right.

How do you go about making it? I assume it involves, tomatos, water and a blender?

A bowl of vegtable soup soup seasoned with a liberal amount of K2. (Because there were no skins/Yogurts available)


ill be honest runt, she makes it and shes good at it.

but ye, a hape of tomatoes, tinned will do, onions if you like, garlic if you like, peppers if you like. experiment with whatever herbs you like.
stew it all up for a while and blend it.

carrot and coriander is my favourite, for the record

[quote=“Mac”]Place near work here does Butter Nut Squash soup - tis only divine.

Can’t bate a proper bit of homemade soup as was already said earlier.[/quote]

In all fairness would you know what a Butter Nut Squash looked like if you were putting together the makings of it yourself?

Pakistani corner shops are right. Bread, milk, 6 Tourburg and 10 Camels at 5am in the morning.

Not a clue mary, even if it hit me in the face

Stick to what you know:

3 Parsnips, olive oil, curry powder, butter, binne, sour cream, veg stock (last nights spud water works for me) 2 red onions. 3 streaky reashers, a couple of tbs of flour.

chop the parsnips and roast with the olive oil and curry powder

Chop the onions and cook with a healthy knob of butter
Toss in the roasted parsnips; stir
Toss in the flour and stir until it looks like thick lumpy wall paper paste.

Mix your veg stock with milk (try an accumulate 2 ltrs) I usually let it rest with a handfull of peppercorns.

pour in your stock, stir and bring to the boil, keep stirring until they soup looks like thick veg.

Blend or remove the peppercorns to taste, then blend.

Put the lid on and simmer at the lowest for 10 mins.
Grill the rashers 'till they can stand upright, chop into bits.

Pour soup, add a dollop of sour cream and sprinkle yer rashers.
Ate will loads of crushy buttery bread.

the trick to soup is keeping the lid on the pot as much of the cooking time as you can, and remember to only bring to the boil, do not let it boil.

Change the parsnips to anything else ye want. Today I’ll be using last nights leftover mash with some chives.

My favourite is sweet potatoes with some nutmeg.