Things that are right

They have them in Lidl or Aldi defo. Didn’t know what they were either till the boss at home read that they are good for the smallies. They love it mixed in with the rest of the veg.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Stick to what you know:

3 Parsnips, olive oil, curry powder, butter, binne, sour cream, veg stock (last nights spud water works for me) 2 red onions. 3 streaky reashers, a couple of tbs of flour.

chop the parsnips and roast with the olive oil and curry powder

Chop the onions and cook with a healthy knob of butter
Toss in the roasted parsnips; stir
Toss in the flour and stir until it looks like thick lumpy wall paper paste.

Mix your veg stock with milk (try an accumulate 2 ltrs) I usually let it rest with a handfull of peppercorns.

pour in your stock, stir and bring to the boil, keep stirring until they soup looks like thick veg.

Blend or remove the peppercorns to taste, then blend.

Put the lid on and simmer at the lowest for 10 mins.
Grill the rashers 'till they can stand upright, chop into bits.

Pour soup, add a dollop of sour cream and sprinkle yer rashers.
Ate will loads of crushy buttery bread.

the trick to soup is keeping the lid on the pot as much of the cooking time as you can, and remember to only bring to the boil, do not let it boil.

Change the parsnips to anything else ye want. Today I’ll be using last nights leftover mash with some chives.

My favourite is sweet potatoes with some nutmeg.[/quote]

mary that recipe would put lads off attempting it.
basically lob everything related to a vegetable into a big pot and stew away for an hour, then blend.
no cream its bad for you.
slurp slurp

what colour’s the insides?

I’m getting a picture of something thats the colour of a courgette/ marrow and is shaped like a baby pumkin, but is bright yellow inside … wasn’t life easier when all you had to do was hate brussel sprouts?

[quote=“HBV*”]mary that recipe would put lads off attempting it.
basically lob everything related to a vegetable into a big pot and stew away for an hour, then blend.
no cream its bad for you.
slurp slurp[/quote]

but thats what fills you up; no need for the six pack of rancheros after two bowls.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Stick to what you know:

3 Parsnips, olive oil, curry powder, butter, binne, sour cream, veg stock (last nights spud water works for me) 2 red onions. 3 streaky reashers, a couple of tbs of flour.

chop the parsnips and roast with the olive oil and curry powder

Chop the onions and cook with a healthy knob of butter
Toss in the roasted parsnips; stir
Toss in the flour and stir until it looks like thick lumpy wall paper paste.

Mix your veg stock with milk (try an accumulate 2 ltrs) I usually let it rest with a handfull of peppercorns.

pour in your stock, stir and bring to the boil, keep stirring until they soup looks like thick veg.

Blend or remove the peppercorns to taste, then blend.

Put the lid on and simmer at the lowest for 10 mins.
Grill the rashers 'till they can stand upright, chop into bits.

Pour soup, add a dollop of sour cream and sprinkle yer rashers.
Ate will loads of crushy buttery bread.

the trick to soup is keeping the lid on the pot as much of the cooking time as you can, and remember to only bring to the boil, do not let it boil.

Change the parsnips to anything else ye want. Today I’ll be using last nights leftover mash with some chives.

My favourite is sweet potatoes with some nutmeg.[/quote]

Stick to what I know :rolleyes:

The only sour cream I’ve ever seen was on the front of a pringles tube.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]what colour’s the insides?

I’m getting a picture of something thats the colour of a courgette/ marrow and is shaped like a baby pumkin, but is bright yellow inside … wasn’t life easier when all you had to do was hate brussel sprouts?[/quote]

A butternut squash is a kinda beige colour. Look like a penis and testicles. An oblong pumpkin sort of shape.

[quote=“Mac”]Stick to what I know :rolleyes:

The only sour cream I’ve ever seen was on the front of a pringles tube.[/quote]

there you go, scrap the cream and the rashers. Just crush a lenght of pringles and top 'em into the soup.

penis and tesicles and oblong pumpkin

just what state is your mickey in Runt?

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]penis and tesicles and oblong pumpkin

just what state is your mickey in Runt?[/quote]

Probably not the best description of something I ever gave. they are like stretched pumpkins. Some of them can be phallis like in appearance.

This is what a butternut squash looks like. Tasty too. Its used as an ingredient in baby meals as its sweet. Best soup has to be carrot and orange. Boil loads of carrots, add in garlic, ginger, leeks and some orane peel. Take out orange peel before blending Deadly stuff

I’ll give 'em a go

The thing I find about soup is normally the thicker and creamer it is the nicer it is…

Rich and Thick? Would that be a good description Puke?:rolleyes:

:rolleyes: :smiley: :smiley:



On the back of Macs recommendation in L-K-Z-I immunitas thread

Porridge is very right

I make mine with 2 parts milk, 1 part water and a pinch of salt. Served with sugar and milk. The natural way to start the day.

Just bought a pack of Rolos there. Haven’t had them in years.

Very right

[quote=“Fran”]On the back of Macs recommendation in L-K-Z-I immunitas thread

Porridge is very right

I make mine with 2 parts milk, 1 part water and a pinch of salt. Served with sugar and milk. The natural way to start the day.[/quote]

eggs benedict,asparagus tips & prosciutto crudo is your only man to start the day

Cans of coke. Class.

club rockshandy

[quote=“Fran”]On the back of Macs recommendation in L-K-Z-I immunitas thread

Porridge is very right

I make mine with 2 parts milk, 1 part water and a pinch of salt. Served with sugar and milk. The natural way to start the day.[/quote]

Replace the sugar with honey Fran and you’re onto a winner