Things that are right

Angus beef burger with cheese, lettuce, onion, tomato, ketchup, blue cheese. And chips. Right on.

Yeah and your point being? You have set your morality bar but only on certain subject matter. I on the otherhand will take the piss out of anything and everything.

Dr Oetker Ristorante Pizzas. I generally despise frozen pizzas. But Dr Oetker is one of the good guys.

Never heard of them but I’m going to take a plunge and get one for my dinner tomorrow solely based on your recommendation. That’s living life on the edge.

I saw them on special in Dunnes on George’s St but didn’t take the plunge, have had them before in the folks’ gaff and they’re not bad in fairness.

BMIs baggage allowance.

You’re in a bit of an airline mood tonight Ben

Very tasty but the crust is so thin that they don’t fill you up much if you’re ravenously hungry. Which, in these times, we all are.

Yep have to use the feckin’ Airlines this weekend, Ryanair over to Edinburgh and Aer Lingus back. Hate both the coonts baggage rules, even if I’m only away for the weekend I’ll check in a bag for free with BMI, so I don’t have to pay for shower gels, and deodrant when I get there.

A mate is down the Four Courts with work. Loads of female barristers with tight fitting pencil skirts. This is extremely right.

Independent(London) running this headline - Irish minister bans climate change adverts - in reference to DUP rep. Sammy Wilson reaffirming our faith the stupidity of Unionists. They won’t like that.

Hunky Dory - Balance range. Far nicer than the original hunky dory’s.


Drinking it as opposed to taking it. (see Puke)


Really hate those pizzas. Hate everything about them. They do however provide free pizzas and a free Italian classical music CD if you complain that the packaging was open when you bought them* so their customer service isn’t bad.

  • Pizza need not actually be open.


Chicken soup is for the old and the sick. And maybe the impoverished.

Still lovely though. with a bit of mushroom as well.

What’s this for!? To help you calm down!?


Drinking it as opposed to taking it. (see Puke)[/quote]

Soup is one of those hit and miss things. When it’s good it can be very good, but when it’s bad…

Tomato all the way for me.

homemade chicken and veg soup with homemade brown bread …