Things that are right

it complements as opposed to drown

Turn on More 4 + 1 there NCC, you might learn something about real food. :slight_smile:

Agree with farmer - love a bit of raw red onion on a roll or panini.



happy days

we need one of these against the government

Aero mints with a cup of tae…

Saturday evenings in Mulligans.

Sundays in the local

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Onions are right.

I love the things.[/quote]

I fucking hate Onions. Hate them. And their cousins.

Some people will not go out with a girl that smokes, but I refuse to go out with a girl that eats Onions.

(Ok, I made that bit up but I’m just emphasising how much I hate Onions.)

[quote=“Pikeman”]I fucking hate Onions. Hate them. And their cousins.

Some people will not go out with a girl that smokes, but I refuse to go out with a girl that eats Onions.

(Ok, I made that bit up but I’m just emphasising how much I hate Onions.)[/quote]

I’d never describe Onions as being right. I find raw onions very offensive

Juicy ripe plums

I don’t know why but that is one of the funniest posts I’ve ever read.

I won’t hear a bad word said about onions.

I can’t stand raw onion, find it repeat like fuck on me, but love a bit of fried onion especially with a rear-medium steak

Onions are evil fuckers. They just appear out of nowhere in food and they are in cahoots with restaurant owners.

Too many times I have ordered from menus that apparently display all the ingredients-the dish comes out and there’s feckin onions looking at ya. And not a mention of them on the menu.

They are just pure evil.

i second that … raw or cooked… red or white… scallions , leaks and shallots all fantastic onions

Pickled onions and onion bhaji`s are right :rolleyes:

The Legend

A piss take right?

Eamonn Gilmore to Brian Cowan in the Dail Today…“would you not just tear up that aul budget?”…The look on Cowan’s face - Right.

Guinness Extra Stout.