Things that are right

Stevie Wonder’s ‘Songs in the Key of Life’ available in HMV for 9.99.

Daft Dave! Funny man, glad he’s back…

Ryan Spitting Dog Fighting McMemamin has had his ban increased to 5 games.

Cracking news, fair play to the CCCC.


Richly deserved ban btw

For such an avid music connisseur farmer I thought you’d have latched on to the digital revolution by now. HMV?

He’s a bit dim when it comes to this kind of stuff. He was following the Liverpool game last weekend via BBC website text updates instead of watching it on a streaming site for heaven’s sake.

The Pussycat Dolls present…Girlicious

Was watchin this on E4 this morning. Some aul boy on the judges panel was sayin one of the girls hadn’t the best voice but had loads of raw talent.

Fookin too right she had lots of raw talent.

Seen bits of it, the show is obviously absolute guff but with the volume turned off it makes for great viewing - some top quality totty.

I hate shopping generally but I love music shopping. Nothing like picking up an album that you have been looking for for ages and there it is.

I love having the actual sleeve as well while listening to it.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]I hate shopping generally but I love music shopping. Nothing like picking up an album that you have been looking for for ages and there it is.

I love having the actual sleeve as well while listening to it.[/quote]


[quote=“farmerinthecity”]I hate shopping generally but I love music shopping. Nothing like picking up an album that you have been looking for for ages and there it is.

I love having the actual sleeve as well while listening to it.[/quote]

Proper order Farmer! Always nice to have the CD booklet to accompany your favourite albums.

TG4’s no nonsense approach to a highlights show.

No bullshit, all action. And not a Michael Duignan in sight.

I used to be the same regarding CDs etc but couldn’t give a 2 penny fuck now.

Bollox to that, why would you want to have the sleeve to an album that turns out to be shite?

Farmer doesn’t buy shite music, do you not know?

Jesus I forgot that for a minute :rolleyes:

an absence of samantha mumba from newspapers, tv etc. maybe she’s finally got the message

Wherever did Omero go?!

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