Things that are right

Maire’s taking a lot of punches over the past couple of days. Are you okay Maire? :smiley:

Good man lockie sow it into that Limerick fucker


Fooking Yahoos

he couldn’t physically grin because at half time he had taken the same mad bullock dosage that his team were eating all that summer, in fact goin by the veins bulging and the eyes popping the fucker took a double dose.
if Jim Carney had asked him if he was goin to get the hay in before it rained that evening he would have fuckin replied the exact same way, mad cunt

[quote=“HBV*”]he couldn’t physically grin because at half time he had taken the same mad bullock dosage that his team were eating all that summer, in fact goin by the veins bulging and the eyes popping the fucker took a double dose.
if Jim Carney had asked him if he was goin to get the hay in before it rained that evening he would have fuckin replied the exact same way, mad cunt[/quote]

Of course he would. Great call.

[quote=“The Puke”]Good man lockie sow it into that Limerick fucker

YouTube - Ger Loughnane[/quote]

Let it go Puke…

Can’t beat nostalgia


Davy Fitz check your texts

It’s fierce annoying the way that’s so out of sync. The Tipp 99 one is probably a better clip even, given it’s a packed Town End behind the goals.

Pretty much the last puck of the game as well…

[quote=“HBV*”]he couldn’t physically grin because at half time he had taken the same mad bullock dosage that his team were eating all that summer, in fact goin by the veins bulging and the eyes popping the fucker took a double dose.
if Jim Carney had asked him if he was goin to get the hay in before it rained that evening he would have fuckin replied the exact same way, mad cunt[/quote]

Ger L has two looks

One is a growl that could crack granite

the other is a grindy grin

If anthopologists studied an x-ray of his scull they’d compare his forehead to a head fighing dinosaur and his jaw to a gorilla.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Ger L has two looks

One is a growl that could crack granite

the other is a grindy grin

If anthopologists studied an x-ray of his scull they’d compare his forehead to a head fighing dinosaur and his jaw to a gorilla.[/quote]

Would they? Why would an anthropologist be doing that?

a future study


Can you fookers take your Clare love in to a different thread and stop ruining the good threads on this board?

seconded, ban the cunts if they post here again on clare hurling folklore

Friday afternoons without the boss.

Sounds like the lovely ladies thread is due for a hammering this afternoon!

More likely to watch some episodes of Lost on the PC I’d say… :stuck_out_tongue:

never better son.

these new teeth are great altogether.

Thats it Maire, you dont go down easy I hear.

You were waiting for this response :smiley:

I heard the exact opposite.