Things that are right

Bout fucking time, good man flano.

Dignity in Victory

All too rare these days…

Virgintrain ad.

Is that some sort of down syndrome team there?

Sorry, it clearly is. Retards.

[quote=“Watch The Break”]Dignity in Victory

All too rare these days…[/quote]

who are those ibred mongs & why do they all have noticable underbites?

Classy stuff from Loughy there, great shot of him and Aidan.

Great open letter to the Sindo I found on

[I]Dion Fanning (the Indo’s Daddy’s Boy) had a typically sneering anti-GAA article in the SI today, had a giggle at Croke Park not having undersoil heating…except they do



You’re probably aware by now that there are websites out there that log the number of mistakes that appear in your weekly columns, although it’s hard work for those who compile these things to keep up.

They are amusing to read, however, although not half as amusing as the comments of those baffled that your comedy of errors haven’t resulted in you being presented with a P45.

Yes, they are told, any other journalist in Independent Newspapers would be sacked, as many have been, but then other journalists in Independent Newspapers don’t work for Daddy.

When I read your column about the Croke Park floodlights today I found yet another error - it even featured in the headline!

“They haven’t installed undersoil heating yet in the place even us non-Gaels call ‘headquarters’,” you wrote, with all the security and smugness you’d expect from a chap employed by Daddy.

Oooops Dion, Croke Park installed undersoil heating…last year.

But hey, why let facts get in the way of a sneer at those unsophisticated GAA gombeens, even if you end up sounding like a character Paul Howard might reject for his ROK books. There’s comical and there’s pitiful, the latter category is where you belong.

My first sporting love is football, but I am secure enough in my identity and nationality to be able to admire and respect the GAA for what they have done with their sports, and for building a quite magnificent stadium.

Yes, some of my tax and yours went towards building Croke Park, but guess what? Im thrilled that it did. Im thrilled to have contributed even a cent to the construction of such a wonderful stadium, and if you were a genuine lover of sport youd be thrilled too. But all you do is snigger because, like, that Gael stuff is, like, soooooooooooooo uncool.

Regarding the floodlights, you didnt even get it. It wasnt about the miracle of the GAA discovering electricity, it was about the excitement of Croke Park hosting night games for the first time in its extraordinary history, and all the atmosphere that that brings.

Its beautifully ironic that you fill most of your columns with sneers at the professional FAI acting like amateurs, yet you also sneer at the GAA for defying its amateur status by running their sports…like professionals.

Is it that difficult for you swallow the fact that the unsophisticated gombeens outshine and outsmart both football and rugby in this country? Slip off your designer shades for a moment Dion you wont remember, but I returned them to you when you lost them in Eastern Europe a few years back and take a break from being blinded by your prejudice. Hopefully some day youll come to terms with the discomforting fact that you are Irish, so you have something in common with these unsophisticated gombeens.

Finally, and this will have your designer shades steaming up in mirth, I was proud of Croke Park today when I watched the rugby. Good God, I was even emotional (Id hazard a guess that you dont do emotion). No, I didnt think Croke Park makes us better than anywhere else in the world, Ive been in stadia on every continent that probably match it, I just think its mere presence on our landscape is an indication that some of us value the wonder of sport and the importance of investing in it, rather than designer shades. But thats probably a mystery to you. God Dion, thats one vacuous life you lead. I pity you.

Best wishes…

Roscommon gobshite Brian ‘the left footed kick’ Carthy in the background as well.


Garth Brooks…

Excellent excellent stuff. Fanning is some cunt.

Warm day, a pub with picnic tables outside next to a canal/river/lake, pint glass filled with ice and a pint bottle of Bulmers taken out of the fridge. Right!

Saturday afternoons without hangovers, when you’ve been up and to the gym, watched a game on the tv, and still have most of the afternoon ahead to stroll around town. Very right.

Fookin hell, thats the exact same as me!

and/or waste on TFK like myself;).

It’s windy as well as pissing rain in Galway so the couch and Fitzgibbon final is good enough for me.

Indeed. Town was shite. Too many bodies and too windy, all sorts of shite blowing around the place. Did what I had to do and got the fook home.

Same here too.

Got up. Cleaned the kitchen. Attempted to defrost a freezer which hasn’t been done in around five years if ever I say. Got something to eat. Put stacks of washing on.

And all because I didn’t go out drinking.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Same here too.

Got up. Cleaned the kitchen. Attempted to defrost a freezer which hasn’t been done in around five years if ever I say. Got something to eat. Put stacks of washing on.

And all because I didn’t go out drinking.[/quote]

This is the ‘things that are right’ thread Farmer.

Doing a load of boring housework is right now, is it?

It is in my hole. Weekends are for getting pissed, not for defrosting fridges.

Freezers Bandage - never heard of anyone having to defrost a fridge.

Fair point.