Things that are right

That’s just a turn of phrase Art. Most “functioning alcoholics” don’t have stable and successful relationships and can’t always stop when they need to etc. Just because the word “functioning” is in there doesn’t mean these people are perfectly fine as alcoholics.

[quote=“TreatyStones, post: 898881, member: 1786”]Americans :smiley:[/quote]

That’s insane

This is a myth.

Those winos you see on the street… I never understood why they chose to become full alcoholics instead of functioning alcoholics. The latter seems a much wiser choice: all the booze you want but none of the disruption to your lifestyle.

The phrase should be “high functioning” alcoholics of which there are many, a lot of whom post here I would guess.

[quote=“artfoley, post: 899086, member: 179”][/quote]

I apologise, you found articles on the internet pertaining to same,it must be true, and on the first page of a google search no less.

It is a myth in that people are said to be functioning alcholics if they can still hold down a job, it doesnt pay any attention to social or familial relationships.

[quote=“count of monte cristo, post: 899094, member: 348”]I apologise, you found articles on the internet pertaining to same,it must be true, and on the first page of a google search no less.

It is a myth in that people are said to be functioning alcholics if they can still hold down a job, it doesnt pay any attention to social or familial relationships.[/quote]

I used the front page of google for ease. There is plenty of academic research out there on it which im sure youll be well capable of finding without my help

[quote=“count of monte cristo, post: 899094, member: 348”]I apologise, you found articles on the internet pertaining to same,it must be true, and on the first page of a google search no less.

It is a myth in that people are said to be functioning alcholics if they can still hold down a job, it doesnt pay any attention to social or familial relationships.[/quote]
I think if you look hard enough you might even be able to find a website for Santa Claus.

I can’t be arsed going back through the last few pages but an alco is an alco…Some can hide it better than others and some can function better than others. It’s the same with junk, not every addict is on the street. The tell tale signs will be there to see for anyone close to or paying attention to the person in question.

you took my quote totally out of context…read my full post…

That dumbass @artfoley[/USER] has liked this post despite disagreeing with Kev on tell tale signs because there are functioning alcoholics in our midsts. That was before @[USER=348]count of monte cristo took him to school.

I dont know what your obsession is with me and why youre constantly trying to twist my words and drop information about me in real life but keep it up and ill be waiting for you outside your workplace with a hammer which ill proceed to ram into your down syndrom featured skull.

That’s completely untrue, which makes it an awful stupid post to make and further undermines your credibility. Or else it is true, which makes you psychopath and makes it an awful stupid post to make and further undermines your credibility.

Youre talking to me about credibility when you started a thread telling the whole forum you have me on ignore

In real life? Art, I think you’re losing your mind.

You lot seem to know a lot about the ins and out of alcoholism. Useless fucking wasters. Wanking, drinking and planning rapes is all your good for.

And what brings your persona here?

Typical - art having pops at the disabled again.