Things that are right

The recession is over, everythings fine now, its only the naysayers who are trying to keep us down.

Run away little man, you’ve had your lil heiny paddled.

Its obvious you cant read, did I say I support him? Did I say I would vote for him? No I did not. I did say he gave a good performance.

Yes, he performed for the great unwashed, a few words in the Dáil, some hyperbole and they dance to his tune. He’ll never lose with people like you around.

Try using illustrations, text hurts mbbs little brain

Good comeback, it must have been tough not to google search an image. The country is back on track after what your beloved Fianna Fáil did to it, get off the road before Enda’s bandwagon runs you down.


Great speech from Wallace but a pity he sounds like an illiterate drunk

It doesn’t get more foleyesque than that. I rest my case.

[quote="myboyblue, post: 909490, member: 180"I rest my case.[/quote]

Thank fuck, so we’ll be spared a load more posts wildly missing the point, some bizarre claim of victory and a few photos from broadsheet withiyt credit

A poorly quoted post, bad spelling and and general all round simpleness, I was wrong, that was actually more foleyesque than anyone could ask for. All its missing is a self banning. Well done.

Your case was rested now shut the fuck up little man

Art is seething, I knew the law reference would bamboozle him :smiley:

Thank fuck, so we’ll be spared a load more posts wildly missing the point, some bizarre claim of victory and a few photos from broadsheet withiyt credit[/quote]

We are not that lucky.

Hate to break it to you Mac but all Wexford people sound that way.

Oh dear, you really are a wretched creature

bidda lord livin jaysus, you’re quare thick sahn.

Quaren bad form from shattorrr

Hon Wallace. Mick was a great man to lay a few slabs of concrete in his day

Fooley. I hear the screen of your laptop is like a painters radio after all the gay porn you do be watching

Nah mate, the only thing like a painters radio is yer ma’s face

And gee…

.and arse