Things that are right

Listen to this man @Thrawneen . I’m still working on what i want to do. I’ve had 3 discernible careers, i didn’t really plan any of them but i have learned alot from all and i think they are all shaping me for what i’ll ultimately stick at.
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you have to be like people who did Leaving Cert-College–work experience-Career. That works fine for some, and there are lads out there that know very early on what they want and went with that path, and more power to them. But those lads are actually rare, most fellas are working at stuff they are bored with, unchallenged at and often hate, because they went with things they felt they had to do to fit into society or with their peers or their parents wishes. I slightly fell into that catogary for na while, but eventually rejected it as i was not being true to myself (bollix talk i know, but only way of describing it)
Fuck that, be yourself. There is so much decent education out there now for almost any interest. Assess yourself truthfully and then look around.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 980723, member: 273”]
Fuck that, be yourself. .[/QUOTE]

That’s generally been the problem for most of my life :smiley:
Nah, that is good advice. And I’m looking around to train up to do something. Possibly TEFL so I can indulge my passion for Brazilian girls while getting paid for it. It might eventually be good if I went for the H. Dip.
Until I get a “real” job though, I have started a Brazilian band and we’re having our first rehearsal next week. For a band to succeed the musicians must have nothing else to do and be hungry. I have high hopes for it.

Crusty bread, butter and marmite

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 980723, member: 273”]Listen to this man @Thrawneen . I’m still working on what i want to do. I’ve had 3 discernible careers, i didn’t really plan any of them but i have learned alot from all and i think they are all shaping me for what i’ll ultimately stick at.
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you have to be like people who did Leaving Cert-College–work experience-Career. That works fine for some, and there are lads out there that know very early on what they want and went with that path, and more power to them. But those lads are actually rare, most fellas are working at stuff they are bored with, unchallenged at and often hate, because they went with things they felt they had to do to fit into society or with their peers or their parents wishes. I slightly fell into that catogary for na while, but eventually rejected it as i was not being true to myself (bollix talk i know, but only way of describing it)
Fuck that, be yourself. There is so much decent education out there now for almost any interest. Assess yourself truthfully and then look around.[/QUOTE]

This all sounds like bollox, but i couldn’t agree more, thraw.

As long as you’re doing something.

[QUOTE=“Juhniallio, post: 980803, member: 53”]This all sounds like bollox, but i couldn’t agree more, thraw.

As long as you’re doing something.[/QUOTE]
Have u been at the sherry again. You’re mad for a crack. Why do I rile you so much? Do I remind you if yourself?

He agreed with you Kev you lunatic

Not the way I read it, and going on the last few responses he has had to me it follows suit.
Fuck the cunt.

And scrambled eggs and some strong cheddar. Yes.

The somewhat surreal juxtaposition of the subject matter of the last few posts (Thraw’s career and Glas and Art talking about food) have led me to wonder would a career in the food industry be a runner for @Thrawneen?

[QUOTE=“Thrawneen, post: 980747, member: 129”]
Until I get a “real” job though, I have started a Brazilian band and we’re having our first rehearsal next week. For a band to succeed the musicians must have nothing else to do and be hungry. I have high hopes for it.[/QUOTE]

will this be a joey ‘the lips’ Fagan type scenario with all the members fighting to get the spar motorcycle helmet??..

Dr Pepper (to be controversial)
girls saying yes
bacon, cabbage, new potatoes and a half pound of real butter
the summer, when we get one or 2 days of it
ripping the piss with the lads

Well, Imelda Quirke has nothing on the two singers I have lined up. Clarinha and Mariana. Holy jaysus.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 980845, member: 273”]Not the way I read it, and going on the last few responses he has had to me it follows suit.
Fuck the cunt.[/QUOTE]

No, kev. I agree whole-heartedly with your post. I have also had different careers which have contributed to my current skill set.

Ease up on the persecution complex big fella.

but what do they taste like??..

[QUOTE=“Juhniallio, post: 980894, member: 53”]No, kev. I agree whole-heartedly with your post. I have also had different careers which have contributed to my current skill set.

Ease up on the persecution complex big fella.[/QUOTE]
Big fella? If ever there was a small man complex…

[QUOTE=“Thrawneen, post: 979466, member: 129”]No jobs in it as far as I can see. Can’t afford to go and do the HDip and so many people are applying they can afford to just take people with 1sts or very good 2:1s.

I applied for a job in McDonalds today. Two actually. Crew Member in Rathmines and Customer Care person in Dun Laoghaire.
I applied for 4 other office jobs as well. So far.

Put an ad up on a Facebook page for Brazilians in Ireland looking for a smoky-voiced Brazilian girl to collaborate with to play some classy venues in Dublin and make some dough. That’s probably my best bet.[/QUOTE]

would you ever think of doing a fashion and design course? seem to be quite artistic and like buying retro football shirts…maybe you should open up a clothes shop…with your long term goal to be like Manolo from scarface and have a line of blue jeans with your name on chick’s asses…

[QUOTE=“Juhniallio, post: 980894, member: 53”]No, kev. I agree whole-heartedly with your post. I have also had different careers which have contributed to my current skill set.

Ease up on the persecution complex big fella.[/QUOTE]
Did you not here me the first time. I said fuck you cunt, and shove your persecution complex up your hole

Did you ever considering opening up a secure bike parking place?

I did!

Funny story, actually.

I floated the idea on here, and @Dirty Hands Walter destroyed the idea, made fun of it. This wrecked my confidence and I began to doubt myself and everything I ever thought I knew was right. I hit the bottle, lost my job and my woman and my home and now I’m a recovering alcoholic living with my parents.

[QUOTE=“Thrawneen, post: 980912, member: 129”]I did!

Funny story, actually.

I floated the idea on here, and @Dirty Hands Walter destroyed the idea, made fun of it. This wrecked my confidence and I began to doubt myself and everything I ever thought I knew was right. I hit the bottle, lost my job and my woman and my home and now I’m a recovering alcoholic living with my parents.[/QUOTE]

@Dirty Hands Walter is a creep