Things that are right

[QUOTE=“carryharry, post: 1054056, member: 1517”]This the mother & father of a Mugging off! #goodandproper


[QUOTE=“carryharry, post: 1054056, member: 1517”]This the mother & father of a Mugging off! #goodandproper

That fucker in the grey hat is annoying

bottle of red wine in the fridge there, unreal day in town

The horrible nordie accent on the cunt. Like nails on a chalk board.


At my first carol service of the year there tonight. I love hearing Silent Night for the first time very year. O Come All ye Fathful on the other hand always brings me back to the time me and Spud Murphy (slabs da) were ghouling backstage during the Carol service in the school and we threw Derek Keane out into the middle of the stage just as this hymn was reaching a crescendo. I’ll never forget the battering Brother Prunty gave us.

Sitting in right in front of a blazing fire, with a bottle of red, drifting off.

Knowing that most pubs are jammed packed with 12 pubs and all the rest adds to the snugness.

Red in the fridge bud. Cen faith?

Few lads letting themselves down here not knowing that cooling red wine is an extremely sensible idea. Most houses exist far above “room temp” so the wine is too warm by far.

Fuck that

Central Europeans always drink red wine chilled.

Not always. Depends upon the wine, and “chilled” may mean cellar temp but not the average temp of a household fridge. (4deg).

I was out running in sunny didsbury this morning and took this. [ATTACH=full]2037[/ATTACH]
The two rainbows were complete. It looked much better in the flesh tbh. :oops:

Finding personal


I presume a public apology to The Selfish Giant is in the offing?

I hid two grammes of coke in september 2006 when I was off my head, and they turned up there last October when I was cleaning the gaff before the new tenants moved in, @Kinvara’s Passion do you remember that stuff that was floating around in Gort for about 2 months in September 2006? it was absolutely legendary, lads used to be coming from Kilfenora and Fanore and all sorts of places

Home Alone. What a performance by Macauley Culkin.

Its all kinda makes sense now though I had my suspicions at the time. I remember selling weanlings in Gort mart on Thursday nights back then, you’d have young plasters and brickies souped up on blow huddled around the ring bidding like mad with cash burning in their pockets… Off their fucking heads paying crazy prices for cattle. They were great times for the likes of the ould fella. Some lad smashed up the jacks at the side of the canteen fairly bad their one evening.

Another night myself and the wife, we had long met and I brought her to Morans in Kilcolgan for a bit of grub after work on a Thursday evening. There weren’t many cars around the same evening so I expected to get a table handy enough. When I went in there was a table full of fellas sitting inside the door in white shirts and black trousers. I said to the bar man who I knew could we come through for food, I new the lad fairly well and he said that they had a function going on and he was smirking. He told me the lads in the white shirts were helicopter pilots and that all the ‘big’ builders in Ireland were out the back partying. We had a peek in and I swear to god the place was fucking ripping, champagne flowing around, the finest of women and lads with salmon shirts giving it fucking loads on the small floor in front of the bar. There was an ould fella in an Italian suit, sweat rolling off him and he wearing the ear off the young bar maid. Another lad was setting a 20 euro note on fire in the corner.

They were the best of times.

apparently it was the Brazilian boys that were bringing it in, they had contacts in Portlaoise through John Gilligan, and the border fox. DessieO’Hare. for the first couple of weeks they weren’t cutting it as they thought it was alright, turns out it was 90% pure we were all going apeshit for it untill they copped on in October

Apparently there were a few big names in Galway area who were making plenty off it too.