Things that are right

Off to mass now shortly and then home to watch Scrooged.

Winning at life. :cool:


You’re a gent. The good lady is picking me up thanks. I’m hoping to get up to manc for a weekend in the new year and I will def have a pint with you.

Great. PM me and ill send my phone number. Plenty of leabas here if needed.

A brotherhood is this place.

I shall do.

I think I will climb Mullaghmore

Gnomeo and Juliet

Great film

Brandy and Port :clap: :pint:

Finished feeding the little fella and he’s fallen asleep in my arms. At The Races on the box. Mrs Mac about to light the fire. First Stephens day we’ve been together that neither of us is working in Leopardstown. I don’t plan on stirring off the couch for the afternoon. Fucking right.

Good man mac. I’m on the couch with the little fella asleep on me too. Get a load on over 50 on the card index in the west ham chelsea game Mac. You’ll be cashed up and smug by 2.45 and contemplating a hot whisky early.

Stuck a few quid on over 45 at 13/8

We just opened our presents there now. My younger sister did this herself for me. I’m stunned. [ATTACH=full]2110[/ATTACH]

That’s snot.

Easy to see it’s not a picture of Wexford anyway.

an ex LOI player being the stand out player in British football

No bigger gent in the place than Flatty, I look forward to sharing a pint with him some day.

I know this is probably incredible to many but it happened today around 4 bells. We were having a few pints in the local and bumped into an emigree whom I hadn’t seen in years.
Convivial conversation, rounds called for and replicated and then he says “Can we have a word”…No bother says I, any problems. We’ll go for a smoke says himself.

Cue narrative:

Many years ago he says, Boxty Mór lent me £100, I went to England and truth to tell never paid him back. Now I understand I’m in the wrong, he may never have told you about it and I understand you have your own problems at this time. Here’s the worth of the money involved as best as I can afford it, and will you give the priest a lock of pounds for a Mass for all their souls. There’s €400 here, it’s the best I can do at the minute before breaking out in sobs.
I forced €100 back on him and said I’d cover the priest. I was embarrassed, sad, happy that he’d sorted himself out and deeply contented that one of our own had such humanity and humility to quench his inner demons.

I’m feeling good about it and I’ll bet he is too.

Walking home with the mrs last night looking at queues of cunts trying to get into Smyth’s/Icon and Nancys. Went out for the United match and was intentionally home before 12 clock. Fuck dropping 150+ euro on vodka redbull deals and spilling half of it on myself.

At 3.45pm tomorrow Raiders of the lost Ark and the temple of doom are both on.