Things that are right

MBB is an alright sort I think, but as for those other 2 utter utter spas…I have no time for them whatsoever.

He is MBB you spazzer. And Art is fucking brilliant sometimes. The rest stands.

A Laois man masquerading as a Tipp man? What does this achieve and who has time for that level of arse-boxing?

Maybe MBB is me, and I’m a Tipp man masquerading as a Laois man?


Maybe MBB is me, and I’m a Tipp man
masquerading as a Laois man ?


Ah fuck off.

I think you’re great.

No. WE’RE great !!!

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Informative rating. Post reported. Also, I’m seething, rattled, and to be honest I’m feeling a bit clamped.

Yeah it’s about time I admitted it. I’m MBB.
Had ye all fooled for a while though didn’t i ???

You met me at a very strange time in my life.


Philly McMahon accepting his suspension and the fact that he gouged another player is on his record. I presume there was a deal done, accept the suspension and we’ll give you POTY.

He will miss the Kerry league game. Probably better off.

Southern Hemisphere Rugby

I see they’re dismantling the “Rugby Village” in the IFSC around a week after it was erected.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



I don’t take a huge amount of joy in Ireland losing yesterday. There would have been a time when I was genuinely happy when Ireland got a try or won a rugby match. Not the same as soccer but good all the same. Granted I didn’t know much of the rules but that hardly set me apart from many ‘proper’ rugby supporters, or even rugby players and referees.

That sense of nostalgia had not wanting to see Ireland lose in this World Cup. However I watched the France match and Argentina match in full and I honestly couldn’t give a shit how the matches went. I would love to say for nostalgia sake that I cared but there was nothing there. Well there was something there - the fact that those arseholes in the stand and around the country spent a heap of money and got nothing but disappointment. Probably not enough to say I got joy from the defeat though.

They are the fuckers that ruin it. The players and management themselves seem like an ok bunch.

‘Tis your field Bull’




A great summary of Eire at Euro 2012. I was privileged to be there to see those plastic, bandwagoning cunts get their comeuppance.

You’re a bit catty today, Sid.

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Just had a packet of refreshers there. Taste hasnt changed in 30 years. Lovely