Things that are right

Christ but I’m jealous, pal.
Winning a County is special.

Enjoy, pal.

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Donners still clowning around, great to see :clap:

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He’s a quality individual is donners. Pure heart and personality. It’s a pity there aren’t more like him about.

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In New York on business/pleasure and I’m on a general high anyway but I had a wonderful exchange with a man, probably from some small place like Dayton, Ohio, in the elevator as I returned from my morning jog in Central Park.

Man: How about those Mets?
Me: Finally starting to look Amazin’ eh? (at which point I exited the elevator)
Man: Have a great day sir
Me: You too

What a great country. What a great city. What wonderful people.


I’m re-enacting the conversation in my head over and over again. What a feel good story. :clap:


Wha t a beautiful Autumn it is. The colours on that tree lined stretch of road from New Ross to Enniscorthy today were just jaw droppingly beautiful.


Bank Holiday weekends and hungover sex with the mrs.

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Thats just too fucking weird. What time this morning?

Staying in on the Sunday night of a bank holiday.

Not sure pal, the clock’s going forward fucked up my bearings I’m normally a hoor for time keeping.

Just terrible to think I was at it myself at some stage. Too fucking weird

That catholic guilt has to be let go pal.

An awful cross for a lot of Irish people.

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Saw a photo of my grandpappy for the first time today, never met the man as he had passed away before I was born.


@farmerinthecity finally shakes off his Eslin roots…
You’re relatives are tearing Mohill’s town apart no doubt…

You’ve lost your soul old pal…
MTR will be disappointed…

I had a couple of pints with MTR a couple of weeks back.

A sound man.

AS Roma


As sound as you’ll find. We were discussing the frailty of farming in Leitrim when MTR pronounces “Property seems King but it’s like a rainbow - Land is wealth”…Don’t sell Boxty…

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Begrudgery, but you can smoke it up.