Things that are right

We had major compliance issues. Senior engineer (aka Grandad) wouldn’t sign off on the job over a messy tread on one of the pedals so a bit of a stand-off ensued. His innate Sth Galway thickness eventually engendered a brute-force solution. All well for a finish, sons 1 & 2 off for a few pints on the understanding that he’s brought tomorrow night for the traditional Christmas Eve scoops. Peace reigns.


There are no thick people in south Galway.

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Being from Labane might have skewed your yardstick of thickness slightly…


Post reported


We should do a Thickness pub tour of south Galway.

Have a bus… Start in Conoles in Kinvara and pick up a few clients from each location along the way, drive south onto Josie Harte’s in Gort, Do a 180 and back to Bradleys in Labane, take in Tarpeys in Ardrahan (epic thickness levels - last time I was here a lad asked me how many kids I had, 2 daughters I said, you’d want to get that ‘she prick’ looked after he said), Cawley’s in Craughwell, Sherry’s in Clarinbridge, and finish up in Noel Jordan’s in Ballindereen, tell noel to fill them with cheap whiskey and let them at it. Let them tear Ballindereen asunder… What’s left of it.


You left out Beagh, the best of the lot.

And McCarthy’s in Kilbecanty

We’ll get 12 pubs out if it yet.

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You don’t know what you’re talking about boy

A good few years ago, a car load of lads were driving into Gort for the night. They came across a dead fox on the road (pardon the pun) and picked it up. One lad hid it inside his jacket as they went into springs niteclub and fired it out onto a packed dancefloor. A perfect anecdote to describe people from Beagh (really in Clare)


Whelan’s in Shanaglish.




Congrats mate. You’ll be a great shop manager xxxx

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Any update on this Flatty? Can’t settle into the Christmas fully until I see this famous motor.

First thing tomorrow. :+1:


Ah for fucks sake, you’re dragging the arse out of this one. Throw up some pics ta fuck.

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Happy Christmas @flattythehurdler


Ah lovely. Well wear buddy.

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That house in the background was definitely in Psycho.

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