Things that are right

Hozier on Other Voices. He has some talent in fairness.


A proper coal fire, premier league football on the TV, and a couple of relaxing beers.

No queues to the bar, cunts spilling drinks on you and a hangover tomorrow.


The messiest night of the year.

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Had one pint earlier this afternoon with a few of the lads and dropped them into town at 5 clock.

I definitely made the right decision. Cunts bumping off you and spilling drinks fuck that.

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Townies, dont bother clicking into this.

Lads, could you imagine the crack


Ya because nothing bad ever comes from kids playing that close to machinery.


There’s always one screaming fanny that’ll get the rest going as well.

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So you don’t see an issue with it?
No wonder farming has such a high death rate.

I’d be more concerned were they in front of the header. But don’t worry, the boys’ll row in behind here shortly.

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A fantastic idea alright, they have no business being there

Jesus, in most countries you’d have your kids taken away from your for that kind of stupidity.
Then the ignorant cunt posts it on Facebook.


Female football supporters.

They are a select few, but there’s something proper, grounded and right about them. Not like the high fluting rogbee female fan…who wants to be seen to be fashionable by spouting nonsense phrases such as “over the gainline” and “go forward ball”.

Hard to argue with that assessment.

Thinly veiled, “I’ve fallen badly for a bird who loves football” post by you here. Tell us all about her, mate.

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You are a bogger that supports aint a football fan

Big bash league.crowny.packet of tim tams



Could I have that in English?

Yeah, train tracks are ching ching. Bit a cash, know wor I mean?

I believe she had a d4 accent, not english.

Cricket,crown larger,packet of tim tams,correct ?

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