Things that are right

It’s good alright, don’t know if it beats the CIS cup in 2007 when John Collins was manager.

Leigh Griffiths be happy, if he ever stops scoring we could get rid of Deila and get those atmospheric nights back at Celtic Park.

I miss touts corner and Andy Craig.

Here in Kildare village with the kids and wife. It’s a pleasure strolling about the place and occasionally checking in on the racing results and checking in my e-family on TFK whist the kids are inside of the shops browsing and purchasing.
It’s gas to get the knowing nods from other dads that took the time off of work to spend time with their kids.
It’s on days like this that I forget about the recession and cutbacks and job uncertainty and just say to myself, well life isn’t that bad in Ireland after all.



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Unlikely if they did that they’d be spending it walking around shops mates. I’d say the looks you’re getting are from lads dragged there against their will

Left porto on a dart after half five. 8n ryans on Camden st with a pint by 20 past 6. Dublin bikes and the dart are savage.

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That sounds like a lovely day mate.

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It was a great day @myboyblue old buddy.
They’re still wound up over it. It’s the simple things really, a day out shopping with dad and mam and a lounge around the house tomorrow for the day. Kids are easy to please I suppose.


Ronan keatings new album has sold 203 copies to date.



I heard about this on the radio today. Apparently it’s selling very well in the uk though ?? Maybe I dreamt it.

That’s fantastic news. I saw the ad, it involved him doing a fucking cover. Ffs sake.

He went top 4 in the UK, just behind Adele.

And top 5 in the land of convicts.

Ditzy is a huge fan I believe.

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His number one fan. Seen him live and all.

You are fucking kidding me???

And Bowie, and Bieber.

Then Ronan.

Watching Joe Hart concede a goal. Any goal. Take that you cunt.

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