Things that are right

If anyone can fuck it up, we can fuck it up. Stay tuned.

Sunday in ennis will be a trying time for the thread.

Fucking hell, just logged in and saw a notification, it appears I have won a medal called nice post. Some post I made in the Limerick GAA thread has gotten over ten likes, fucking hell.

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All from Limerick posters, so doesn’t count.


Throwing a clatter of bets online this morning with Cheltenham winnings without much form studying. Not seeing a race but checking the results later and finding that every single one lost. In a fit or rage logging in to find a rugby bet to win the money back only to find the original horse racing bets were never actually placed. Huzzah!

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Classic @Mac narcissism.

Well done @Mac btw.


My guts seem to be ok now.

Why do the misery crew on here always take exception at someone else’s happiness?

Because they are the misery crew probably. I’m delighted for you.

Watching an old lady in the Himalayas get her sight back here on David Attenboroughs Human Planet. I’m in bits here.


Leftover lasagne for breakfast.


Standing in from a shower and taking a moment to observe nature.


Great Canal Journeys…first time watching it tonight Sweden looks absolutely unreal.

Listening to Art of Song with Mika on BBC Radio 2 in my car.

He Played all eight and a half minutes of American Pie, then played You’re so Vain by Carly Simon following which he told his listeners that Mick Jagger sang backing vocals on that track which I didn’t know.

Then he played Bowie and Heroes, talked about how it was produced by same producer as Bowie last album, spoke about the controlled noise on the song, referenced Brian eno who co wrote it.

Mika then plays his own live cover of Paul Simon’s Diamonds on the sole of her shoes which he says has a difficult piano piece requiring four hands. He comes back after the song to refer to the mistakes
he had made.

I then arrived at my destination. Unreal radio.


Met a good mate of mine last evening. He’s a demon for the drink and lost his wife to it ( she went back to the U.K. ) and he’s struggling to rear his teenage son with his new beau, she also had baggage.
Anyhow, he’s a really really decent sort who’d help or do anything for anyone, and there’s the good news bit.
He lived beside an old woman since he lost his house and he looked after her quiet well, as would be his nature.
Anyhow she passed away 5 weeks ago …
Didn’t the son arrive down from Dublin yesterday. With a cheque for €12,000 for my mate. Payable to him immediately, as per yet requests.

AND … He is to get 10% of the sale value of her house, which goes on the market in June.
The poor old fool tried to reason with her son and say he didn’t want or deserve this, but the son told him to take it and enjoy it as he and his sisters could rest easy for the last decade knowing that their mother was well cared for.
I’m fucking thrilled for my mate.


I’m sure the local publicans are delighted too


The poor lad will ‘find’ a bunch of new friends who oddly will disappear as soon as his money dries up

Its 12k mate.calm down

My sentiments too @TreatyStones. But I’d rather he had it than some other fucker