Things that are right

As we reach midnight on Easter Monday 2016, I want to call it out that the centenary celebrations of the past week have been a resounding success.

I am very proud of our nation


Ultimate like bait shit but I’m all over it.


Shouldn’t you be getting ready for your morning jog right now rather than undermining over emotional patriots?

Over emotional partitionists


Ah lovely

I arrived into work this morning to find I’d booked the day off, and forgotten about it.
On the minus side, I got out of a nice warm bed at 0630 am (0530 in fact, thanks to those boot licking jocks)

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Go off and swim a few training miles now.

Later maybe.
Crossfit at twelve.

I’m sure that the signatories of the proclamation would be so proud that quislings like Kenny, bruton, ahern et Al were front and centre for this which made their blood sacrifice worth it


Tis lucky they’re dead I guess. I’m sure they’d have been wonderfully proud of their own slurping ancestors also.

breaking my 0 for 10 losing streak at MLT&CC

eat shit mac you hapless hooked nose cunt


@gman, can you translate this?

are you fucking thick or what? He broke his ten run losing streak at the Malahide Tennis club. Christ, sometimes you really embarrass me.:persevere:


Thanks buddy

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No bother. In future, just text and dont leave yourself open to ridicule from TSG. You are already on a fine line with him, pushing him with your stupidity will just make him more angry with you

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Text you with a question about a TFK post? Do you think I’m stupid or something?

yes, yes I do. However if you prefer to show your stupidity online in front of people, be my guest.

Oh, and stop parking the car down pedestrian steps too…


I’ll do an art foley on it and post my questions on

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy what class are you playing? We may cross paths during the DLTC summer league. :slight_smile: