Things that are right

[quote=“The Dunph”]I will report back with my findings tomorrow evening.

The best curry sauce and battered sausages in Limerick you say?[/QUOTE]

As good a bag of chips and battered sausage that you will get in limerick, I cannot say definatively the best given the high density of quality chippers in limerick

To be clear, should i get a plain chip or a curry chip? You have talked a good game here Puke i hope you don’t fall flat on your face…

WTF is going on here?!!

Ah je spla is chalkin bat chyps ur sumhut.

I’ve no idea MBB.

Crazy boggers and their chippers.

A chip is a fooking chip. Christ almighty its a fried piece of potato.


Ignorance is bliss

curry dunph, live a little

Ignorance is bliss[/QUOTE]

Oh I respect a decent chip, its just that there was 3 fucking pages of effluent here about chips, at all hours of the night.

Crazy going on.

[quote=“myboyblue”]Oh I respect a decent chip, its just that there was 3 fucking pages of effluent here about chips, at all hours of the night.

Crazy going on.[/QUOTE]

There needs to be a monthly Limerick Chipper discussion thread where we can discuss our favourite Limerick chippers, any menu/price changes in the past month etc and possibly leading up to the Offical TFK Limerick Chippers Annual Awards Extravaganza, where all forum members travel to Limerick for a weekend on the beer and sample the various local deep fried food emporiums.

Ignorance is bliss[/quote]

My palette enjoys the finer things. Arguing about chips is nonsense.

on talk of limerick chippers i recently heard of food posioning in rios and cant believe nobody has mentioned the classiest of classy superdine :smiley:

I’m going with the hotdog fella outside Nancys, quality onions.

Allegedly he does be dealing Cocaine as well…

The one outside Ted’s is way better MBB

[quote=“The Puke”]Allegedly he does be dealing Cocaine as well…

The one outside Ted’s is way better MBB[/QUOTE]

Might not be the onions I do be tasting then.

I don’t know if there is any truth in it, but have heard this rumour from a few different sources…

Can any of the Coke heads on here that have frequented Limerick City verify?..Cailinlochgarman, Runty, Dunph?

[quote=“The Puke”]I don’t know if there is any truth in it, but have heard this rumour from a few different sources…

Can any of the Coke heads on here that have frequented Limerick City verify?..Cailinlochgarman, Runty, Dunph?[/QUOTE]


[quote=“The Puke”]Allegedly he does be dealing Cocaine as well…

The one outside Ted’s is way better MBB[/QUOTE]

hey hey- fast eddie- 5 star burgers and hot dogs! what a man. :thumbsup:

[quote=“The Puke”]I don’t know if there is any truth in it, but have heard this rumour from a few different sources…

Can any of the Coke heads on here that have frequented Limerick City verify?..Cailinlochgarman, Runty, Dunph?[/QUOTE]

I don’t know Puke. I’d be more of a club orange man myself like.

That means more pancakes in your house so… :stuck_out_tongue: