Things that are right



Nah mate. Your mixing up twee and authenticity - there’s something authentic and very fulfilling about planning for, and being in control of, your winter heating well in advance. An example of twee would be any of the posts about the Fingal ‘riviera’.


+1 :thumbsup:

I plan for my winter heating in advance mate by having central heating.

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your twee posts are becoming a bit twee for my liking.

What’s this now?

TSG is one of those ‘well off’ lads who has the fire pit in the middle of the house.


Really? That’s pretty much the opposite of twee. Nouveau riche, arrogant, smug, boastful would all be acceptable there but twee is quaint oul ireland. Aran sweaters, basket weaving, carrying a curacy over your head and a bath in the cattle trough once a month would all suffice.

Well, to the man bathing in the cattle trough some cunt swanning down to the tennis club with a sweatshirt draped over his shoulders is fairly twee.

As a long term contributor here I’m finding myself agreeing with @ironmoth’s stance here - not only with his participation of what we called turf-rearing but his utter defiance of the cheap (if influeintial) snipes of @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

There was a time (and still remains) when an interjection from TSG cut you to the bone but that day has long gone.

T’internet is a funny world - Dumb fuckers like @HBV and his ball-licker taking power when genuine ball-hoppers with a bit of wit are excluded.


My tan.

Been getting lots of compliments in work about it this week. The ladies are being extremely friendly, I had a young lady in her late teens to early twenties give me that look* when I was walking that the street today.

*the look the lady gives Richard Ashcroft in the Bittersweet Symphony video.

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That over-the-shoulder-keep-walking “what a bastard” look? Textbook.



The don’t step in dogshit look

The ginger roasters with their lobster toned skin are awful jealous.


That’ll be the moor influence on the Italian gene pool. A lot to be said for them dark fellas all the same.

Tsg lives in a mud hut ? That explains a lot.

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The look that says “you’ve got two hopes you disgusting cretinous monster”?

That might be what that look says in your life experiences but in mine it shows a statement of attraction.