Things that are right

My transition from a marauding full back to a crude, no nonsense centre back has been seamless.

I was Walter Samuelesque this evening, drawing much ire from the opposition for my close attention marking at set plays. I have now dubbed myself as Il Muro.

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Thinly veiled “the legs have gone and I’m getting old and slow”.

Nothing wrong with that, happens to the best of them

That much is obvious, but it’s the way I have transformed myself to be a vital cog despite my legs going.

My team mates could not help but be inspired by me tonight, marshaling that back line resolutely. I broke the opposition strikers mentally and physically.


I also had a minor medical procedure two weeks ago and played through the pain barrier this evening without informing my team mates.

Real manly stuff, Colm O’Rourke would be proud.

Outstanding. On the 25th anniversary of the beginning of the 4 game Meath Dublin saga and all.

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It’s great how you’ve kept it to yourself alright.


Sounds fantastic. I look a million dollars these days and I’ve been sporting a terrific tan too.

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Finbar Fuery singing the Galway Shawl


:clap: A great tune.

All hail Il Muro

Walking to the pub at 21:45 in shorts and T-shirt. Tis like being out foreign

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No dress code in TOTT?

Tackies or sandals?

Tackies. Wore them to funeral earlier too. They went down a treat


Was at a beer festival in south Derbyshire in similar attire today.Walked into a pub with an Irish band playing. A pleasant surprise. They played the usual with some saw doctors and pogues thrown in. The locals were bemused.

Square bales according to @Massey.

Square bales, while labour intensive in June are the business in Winter.


Walking home from the pub in T-shirt and shorts.
It’s like being out foreign

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Sitting in back garden in tshirt, shirts and flipflops until 2am. With the aid of a garden stove, but still…

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Not having to travel to a wedding.

Was at a wedding in the Dublin metro area yesterday and was able to get a taxi home after it. No hotel bill and no arduous journey home today. Very pleasant.