Things that are right

Dunph would you like to lay money on this…I am not saying that they are sitting in the bar/lobby courting potential customers but they do use the rooms…

[quote=“The Puke”]There, Jury’s Inn(on the dock road) and the Travel Lodge are the three spots for them*

*so I am told;)[/QUOTE]

Steamboat Quay had a good stock off em as well for a while apparently.

Is Schooner’s still open down there…The jury’s hotel would only be across the road from that sure

Oh yeah they use the rooms alright. But to be clear there are no hookers loitering in the lounge touting for business.

Nancys is a noble establishment.

Do you own The Railway Hotel?

Nancy’s a good spot alright. But hicks like Puke don’t like it because they feel uncomfortable amongst all the cool people.

Nancy herself served me a fine curry there upstairs one night over the new years festivities, bless her soul.

Jackie Wilson on the radio. AAAlllllright

I wish.

Puke would be more at home in Clem Smiths with all the other boggers.*

*As would i as it transpires.

Clem`s is a fine spot for a few pints and watching a match before moving on into the city.

God I miss going out in Limerick every now and then.

[quote=“Rintintin”]Clem`s is a fine spot for a few pints and watching a match before moving on into the city.

God I miss going out in Limerick every now and then.[/QUOTE]

Clem Smith’s is a tremendous spot. Had a few very late nights in there and never a bad night. It attracts a good crowd, no shapers or funboys in there.

Jaysus you Limerick lads really love ruining good threads

Just wait for the nightly 5-pager on chippers in the Limerick locality.

People from the western half of the country are odd, Mac - no two ways about it. :smiley:

[quote=“Bandage”]Just wait for the nightly 5-pager on chippers in the Limerick locality.

People from the western half of the country are odd, Mac - no two ways about it. :D[/QUOTE]

Odd isn’t the word for the cunts. Wouldn’t you look quare stupid if you didn’t know all the chippers in Wexford town Bandage?


no hookers in the Railway.
shocking and tasteless besmirching of a fine Fianna Fail establishment on this thread.
a new low.

The Munster Senior Hurling Championship…

Wine with lunch followed by an afternoon of internet browsing and ignoring work related emails and voicemails.

I would usually have lunch with wine.

Scoring a bird through eye contact and arrogance, and nothing else. What’s it to her that you’re actually pissing sweat like a horny teenager? It’s the illusion that matters.