Things that are right

Was in Wroclaw (pronounced Brotswov) last year visiting a Polish lad I used live with in Galway.

In summary

Women are savage. (Although Bratislava and Vienna are better again IMO)

Roads are very shit, you could fish in some of the potholes over there.

Food is so-so but cheap.

The taxi-drivers/bouncers are scumbags.

Sausage sandwiches…

Teachers…great fucking show

I remember following the first ever season of Teachers it used to be on Channel4. How many seasons have they made since? It was a good show judging on season one anyhow.

It is over a few years at this stage, think they made 7 or 8 in total…There was a repeat on there on channel four, it is a few years since I seen it…top stuff, great banter in it

‘Egg’ was some lazy baxtard in This Life.

never watched it but heard good reports about this life…

T’was more my era Puke. Thought it was a great show at the time but maybe it’s dated now, haven’t seen it in years. I seem to remember the gamey Anna getting a good seeing to out on a balcony one time.

Ah the unimpeachable Daniela Nardini, that does bring back some interesting memories. Whatever became of her?

anna was some auld skank

Dated very badly now, A Shallow Grave type era. Personally I enjoyed watching it (apart from the bumholing) but I always wanted to batter the heads off each person in the show. They did a reunion thing recently, it was shite too.

Grilled chicken, cheese, and tomato baguettes. Great way to start the day.

Good show alright and always a bonus when Millie got her baps out. Anna was a great character, every show should have a borderline dipso-psycho-nympho in it.

Bacon ribs, hadn’t had these in years, got 5 for a tenner, fucked the whole lot in the pot boiled them off the bone, tre-fooking-mendous.

Boiled ribs? Jaysus that doesn’t sound too appetising.


Most boiled meat is shite…

That was one show which was unbelievably up it’s own arse.

And not a looker in it…

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]That was one show which was unbelievably up it’s own arse.

And not a looker in it…[/quote]



[quote=“farmerinthecity”]That was one show which was unbelievably up it’s own arse.

And not a looker in it…[/quote]

I liked the Indian burd but was surprised recently to find out that she’s quite old