Things that are right

Always liked This Life, would be one of my favourite shows. I even have the book they brought out :pint: Millie and Anna would definitely get it, as would the red-headed slag from the office, Kira. Oh yeah

A lad I live with boils his chicken in a deep pan of water instead of frying it in olive oil. Wrong, very wrong.

Most boiled meat is shite…[/quote]

You wouldn’t be into a bit of boiled bacon Puke?

no fucking hate it, the auld lad fucking loves it though:mad:

Woah, you don’t like bacon?

No not really, would eat a rasher or a gammon steak but find boiled bacon overly salty, would eat it if I had to but not by choice…

I would be suspicious of any country fella who didn’t like a bit of bacon and cabbage.


I would be suspicious of anyone not liking such a noble dish.


I would half expect it from urban dwelling oafs like NCC or Flano, but very surprised at someone from fine country stock like Puke. This is a very worrying development.

puke is right on this- there is a reason boiled bacon isnt a popular dish in urban areas & in countries with better food than us - there is also a reason its not served in goof restaurants - its pauper food

Tasty pauper food.

Bacon and cabbage with some parsley sauce…my mouth is watering here.

peasant food, not for me






Knocks nouveau fucking cuisine and a glass of wine right on its pretentious arse, in my book.

I’m still in shock at Pukes admission here. All has changed, changed utterly.

A terrible ugliness is born.

yes- but you’re a turfmuncher- Ireland has a shit culinary history & present & muldoons are less sophisticated than urbanites therefore your book has no readers