Things that are right

It’s a plant mate, hanging upside down to dry and cure.

I take it not the kind of plant you’ll be including in a stir fry?

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Correct, although has culinary uses.

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Fuck me. Hail to the chef!


My hotel room has a bewleys coffee machine.

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That’s a result alright, nothing worse than shitty hotel breakfast coffee, the River Lee hotel in Cork has Nespresso machines in the rooms.

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Sorry mate?

Who’d have guessed that the hotel with the best coffee machines in the world would be in Cork?


Ah right.

Nespresso coffee is rank, pal.

It’s piss poor alright but a massive upgrade on instant or carelessly made brewed coffee,
I’m stuck with one at home at present and often feel like ‘dropping it’

You can’t even put a lid on a coffee cup pal.



A company called Lyreco distribute the nespresso machines in Ireland. The machines cost the hotels nothing but they have to commit to buying a certain amount of capsules every month

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Dont think I’ve ever bothered my hole make a coffee or tea in a hotel room. How quaint.

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Lads boiling water they’ve poured from a sink in the bathroom. Something utterly wrong with that.


Peasant behavior. Probably wash their jocks in the sink too.

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No way the chambermaids clean those cups bar a quick rinse under the bathroom taps either. Probably haven’t have had a proper wash in years

Lads boiling water in kettles other lads have pissed in