Things that are right

As always I am only calling it as I see it…Boiled bacon(or any boiled meats for that matter) is vile…

First the hammering yesterday, now this. To say I am disillusioned with things tonight would be an understatement.

There’s no comeback from this Puke…

A woeful slip-up…

To say I am dismayed by this would be an understatement. It’s easy to see how spiritless Clare hurling has become when their best young players shun bacon and cabbage.

too much stodgy bacon & spuds could one of limericks many faults

What would Brian Lohan say?

that probably explains your aggression towards me on the good films thread

Lohan would throw off the red helmet on hearing of this outrage.

Tis all a matter of taste I suppose lads, not my fault that I have a more refined pallet…

dont blame yourself that people from limerick are working off the same pauper diet as peig sayers

It was one thing to admit you didn’t like Bacon and cabbage, but to start deriding those that do is utterly unforgivable. Tonights events have shook TFK to the very core. A once noble Muldoon now more jackeen than the jackeens themselves.

I hear that the runt and SS** like nothing more than a handful of dilisk as a snack…

It was the landlord class like NCC and The Puke who took the grass from our dying mouths in Black '47.

I hope the soup was tasty

a lot nicer than boiled fucking bacon ever would be…

Peig was a fine bird.

Puke admits to being a soup taker.

This day, 18th August 2009, will live forever in infamy.

The Puke is dead to me now…

puke youve let yourself down badly here you will have to be taken out and beaten your a disgrace to the mulliance,how could you

I hope you choke on your Coddle , you sell out .