Things that are right

Shocking scenes.

Charlie Haughey, God rest him, was a great man for the bacon and was oft heard to quote this here verse after a pinot grigio or two

‘Well I come from the county Kerry
The land of eggs and bacon
and if you think I’ll ate your fish n’ chips
Well sadly your mistakin!’

Puke, you do your own thing, hairy bacon is not for all.

Boiled food is just crazy. Tasteless. Puke knows the score.

C’mon ashkayton, never baten
Always aten, hairy bacon


Its some coded slang going back to hedge school days flano, I wouldnt try to decipher it. From my rusty knowledge of the lingo I think it means, I’m from a region of Limerick, and I’d ate you and your people out of your home for some salted pig with hair on it.


I thought it was fairly self explanatory

Ah je splan djoint ive i clou witt yar oon abat.

The home page knows the score:

That Little Britain tripe…well you know the lad in the wheelchair who gets up and walks around when his mate’s distracted? I saw something similar yesterday on my way home from work. I was waiting to cross the road and spotted a lad in a wheelchair ‘parked’ outside an office building, which had 3 or 4 steps down to the pavement. Then he just stood up, lifted the wheelchair down the steps, hopped back in and spun off down the path. I was amused anyway.

Hup outta that

[quote=“The Runt”]C’mon ashkayton, never baten
Always aten, hairy bacon[/quote]


Up Askeaton. Bacon is quite the delicacy.

NEW YORK–Broadcast network CBS will be advertising its fall TV season with a video-chip ad embedded in an issue of Entertainment Weekly.

The September 18 issue of the Time Inc.-owned magazine will feature the first video ad to appear in print, George Schweitzer, CBS marketing president, said Wednesday at a press conference at the company’s headquarters here.

The ad will be launched in partnership with PepsiCo to promote Pepsi Max soda and the TV network’s Monday prime-time lineup. Not everyone will be seeing it: the ad will appear in a magazine insert sent to subscribers in the New York and Los Angeles areas–an edition without the video chip will be sent to subscribers elsewhere and show up on newsstands.

The technology for the battery-powered ads was manufactured by a Los Angeles-based company called Americhip, and each ad can handle about 40 minutes of video.

“It’s leadership in innovation, which we really stress at CBS in every part of our company,” Schweitzer said of the ads, which were developed with the collaboration of the Ignition Factory, a division of the Omnicom Group’s OMD media agency.

PepsiCo has been experimenting with edgy, experimental ads for some time now, distributing millions of 3D glasses for its SoBe LifeWater Super Bowl ad earlier this year. It more recently launched a new Mountain Dew flavor by inviting prominent Twitter users to a party at a trendy Brooklyn venue.

Pepsi Max is the company’s new diet soda geared toward men, advertised earlier this summer with bold print ads that declared, “Save the calories for bacon.”

“The evolution of marketing television in the fall–it used to be as simple as this,” Schweitzer said, holding up a vintage copy of TV Guide. “It was axiomatic in those days. If you took an ad in TV Guide, people watched your program. Not anymore.”

Employees of one of the “big four” finally realising that we shouldn’t be paying couriers to send stuff a hundred yards up the road in the IFSC. Common sense might just be prevailing these days, little by little

Right on brothers

[quote=“Sledgehammer”]Employees of one of the “big four” finally realising that we shouldn’t be paying couriers to send stuff a hundred yards up the road in the IFSC. Common sense might just be prevailing these days, little by little

Right on brothers[/quote]

Spare a thought for the courier…

[quote=“Sledgehammer”]Employees of one of the “big four” finally realising that we shouldn’t be paying couriers to send stuff a hundred yards up the road in the IFSC. Common sense might just be prevailing these days, little by little

Right on brothers[/quote]

Was that not what people like Bandage were employed for in the first place?

Bandage doesn’t do menial manual labour.

Thats what ClarkeyCat is for.

[quote=“myboyblue”]Bandage doesn’t do menial manual labour.

Thats what ClarkeyCat is for.[/quote]

Which one of them is the old fella who is still doing the juniors exams?