Things that are right

If the Italian and Spanish football bets come in tonight, there really will be no excuse for not going out:pint::popcorn::pint:

Just noticed I’ve broken the 5000 mark

Welcome Ted

Hearing a deeply obnoxious bloke in the office, who coincidentally happens to support Man Utd, making excuses about the game on Sunday.

Thats Donkey!! Absolute Donkey…

Well done the Governator :clap::smiley:

The smell when you open a bag of good quality coffee beans.



That’s class.

Must be doctored though.

Up and at them!!

That’s class.

Must be doctored though.

Up and at them!![/quote]

No its legit alright, clicky

Dont fuck with the Governator :smiley:

ah im trying to cut down. love my cup of joe

Leo Burdocks in Dundrum :clap:

Please post this on the relevant thread, Seeking members for the Limerick Chippers Social Group

Dunph please give Mac a warning over this mistake.

[quote=“BenShermin”]Please post this on the relevant thread, Seeking members for the Limerick Chippers Social Group

Dunph please give Mac a warning over this mistake.[/quote]

I’ll do my own thing

The Luas.

Left apartment this morning at 8.50.

Missed the first two Luas’ - the first one because I was just too late and the second one because the ticket machine was playing up. The third one arrived about 5 mins later and I was sitting at my desk at 9.10.


Court backs Portmarnock Golf Club’s ban on women

One of Irelands most prestigious golf clubs today won a legal bid to refuse women full membership.

The exclusive Portmarnock Golf Club in north Co Dublin went before Dublins Supreme Court as equality chiefs made a final attempt to get the club to change its rules.

Women can play at the course and pay green fees, but are not allowed to become full members.

Three of five judges who heard the case dismissed the challenge and ruled Portmarnock was a gentlemens club where golf was played.

Outside the court Joanna McMinn, of the Equality and Rights Alliance, called for equality legislation to be changed and updated.

She said the result was a bad day for equality and a bad day for women.

It sends out a message that discrimination continues and this judgment upholds inequality for women, said Ms McMinn.

The exclusivity of Portmarnock is just a symptom of that.

The action, which centred on a section of the Equal Status Act, was aimed at overturning a High Court ruling made three years ago which backed the clubs regulations.

The golf club had also had its alcohol licence suspended for a week in 2004 for refusing to accept female members.

But during the Supreme Court hearing last December a barrister for Portmarnock Golf Club argued that while the activity of the club was golf, its purpose was to cater for men only and on this basis it refused membership to women.

Counsel for the Equality Authority felt the club must allow women and men to become full members because it was not a social club created for pure male society fraternity companionships.

In his judgment Mr Justice Hugh Geoghegan said as Portmarnock provided external facilities it was not discriminating.

Entitlement of female non-members to play golf in Portmarnock is not a point that is either helpful in argument to the club or to the Equality Authority on the points at issue, he said.

Ms Justice Susan Denham, one of two judges who found against the club, said Portmarnock was a discriminating club as its principal purpose was golf.

Portmarnock Golf Club is exactly what its name says a golf club in Portmarnock, she said.

It caters for men and women in different ways. I would allow the appeal.

Read more:

:clap: :clap:

Takes that bitches

Joanna McMinn?

Toffee Crisp Clusters

Anyone hear Effin Eddie on Matt Cooper yesterday evening? Some buachaill, as Tipp as tinfoil that man :clap:

Friday afternoons with the dublin bay prawn :clap::thumbsup::pint::clap::thumbsup:
