Things that are right

Brilliant, the microwave one is hilarious

Brilliant,i was laughing that much a little bit of wee came out.:clap:

Fair fucks to you Van!

Singer Van Morrison and his partner and manager Gigi Lee are celebrating the birth of their first child together.

A statement on the 64-year-old singer’s website said that George Ivan Morrison III was born on 28 December.

The baby is the singer’s fourth child.

The statement described the baby as “the spitting image of his daddy”.

People that age shouldn’t be allowed to father children.

Why not?

That must be one ugly baby if it’s the spitting image of its father

Cause they will be too old when the child is growing up

What does that matter?

Better for the kid not to be born at all I suppose.


[quote=“farmerinthecity”]What does that matter?

Better for the kid not to be born at all I suppose.


Not much craic growing up knowing you father will probably be dead before you hit 20.

Not worth being born for?

I’d say the sex at the Genesis phase of this project wasn’t much craic either

Morrison’s son may have been born ill, but did they really have to include that in his name? On top of having such an old father, the poor fella looks like he could have a miserable life.

His tool made a quick exodus.

I’m with Runt on this issue. A friend of mine, 27, had a baby with a 57 year old chap last year. I wasn’t impressed. You’ve had a life, you’ve had 3 kids, go be a grandad, go down the pub, fuck off and let someone else have a turn.

My auld lad was in his 50s when I was born - he married late in life. He is still flying it now in his early 80s - sometimes the age issue can get to me but then I look around at other people who have lost parents at a relatively young age, I count my blessings.

I think we’re forgetting about Michelle Rocca in all of this. Is he not banging her no more?

Beats using the Psalm I suppose.

All a big hoax supposedly.

No baby for Van Morrison - website was hacked
watch Thursday, 31 December 2009 15:08

Singer Van Morrison has exclusively told RT Radio’s News at One programme that his official website was hacked and a ‘statement’ that appeared on it about him fathering a child with his manager is completely untrue and ‘utterly without foundation’.

Speaking to News at One, John Saunders, a family friend of Mr Morrison’s, said once claims made in the statement were brought to their attention it was removed immediately from the website. He said the reports were complete and utter fiction.

Read the full statement | Listen to John Saunders’ interview

News organisations throughout the world reported the details of the fake statement, which claimed Mr Morrison’s ‘American manager’ named as Gigi Lee had given birth to a baby boy fathered by Mr Morrison.

The fake statement said the baby, named George Ivan Morrison III, had been born on Monday and was described as ‘the spitting image of his daddy’.

It is the second time that the singer’s website has been hacked.

Mr Morrison told RT that he has asked his management team to carry out an ‘immediate investigation’ into the most recent attack, which occurred on 29 December.

In the statement, Mr Morrison said he is very happily married to Michelle Morrison.

The start to the new Guardian Football Weekly. Absolutely gas. :smiley:

Meeting a bird in a pub , whove ive seen showering 2 or 3 a week times since september . she`s fairly fit , lives in the building next door & has no curtains in the bathroom …:stuck_out_tongue: