Things that are right

:popcorn:[quote=“THE LINK WALSH”]I love these kind of stories,if i was in your shoes Atticus id be moving my whole life over to that window for fear of missing out on any of the action:thumbsup:,this could go on for Months,she might catch you watching and throw you a wink orv a smile,get in there:thumbsup:

New York is a great spot in general,spent two Weeks there a few Years ago,many,many :pint: were had.[/quote]In fairness Link i spend a good bit of the day by the window , she works nights ,so showering could commence anytime between 1 & 4 .Im off work at the moment so theres nothing i like more than sitting by the window drinking a few cans , laptop & newspapers at hand waiting for herself to appear :popcorn::pint::popcorn:

Fixed that for you

:D:D:D:D:clap:[quote=“The Runt”]Fixed that for you[/quote]

The chap in the flat below my one had a party there last Monday night. It wasn’t too loud or anything and anyway I wouldn’t be in any position to complain to the chap after the shower of animals I had in around the place on AI weekend. So I was just settling down to watch CBB at around 10 last night when there was a knock on the door - there was yer man with a six pack of Sol beer. “Just giving you this after the noise the other night”. I tried to stop the chap but he wouldn’t hear of it. I don’t even know the chaps name but there is 6 bottles of Sol waiting for me to enjoy watching the darts later on.

Very Right.

[quote=“tipptops*”]The chap in the flat below my one had a party there last Monday night. It wasn’t too loud or anything and anyway I wouldn’t be in any position to complain to the chap after the shower of animals I had in around the place on AI weekend. So I was just settling down to watch CBB at around 10 last night when there was a knock on the door - there was yer man with a six pack of Sol beer. “Just giving you this after the noise the other night”. I tried to stop the chap but he wouldn’t hear of it. I don’t even know the chaps name but there is 6 bottles of Sol waiting for me to enjoy watching the darts later on.

Very Right.[/quote]

Camaraderie. :clap:


Not out of place at the Lakeside that.

[quote=“tipptops*”]The chap in the flat below my one had a party there last Monday night. It wasn’t too loud or anything and anyway I wouldn’t be in any position to complain to the chap after the shower of animals I had in around the place on AI weekend. So I was just settling down to watch CBB at around 10 last night when there was a knock on the door - there was yer man with a six pack of Sol beer. “Just giving you this after the noise the other night”. I tried to stop the chap but he wouldn’t hear of it. I don’t even know the chaps name but there is 6 bottles of Sol waiting for me to enjoy watching the darts later on.

Very Right.[/quote]


Ah tinnion, where is your sense of neighbourhoodliness.

There a few months back I left my apartment to go downstairs to meet the dude delivering me some Chinese food. I planned to leave the door a little ajar. I walked down the hallway and heard the door close behind me. No keys… SHIT!!! No Phone. Can’t call anyone and the lads won’t be back til God knows.
I didn’t even have shoes on.

Anyway after a while I decided the best course of action was to knock on the door of the lads across the hall.
A fella let me in. I imagine in his position I would have been less hospitable but I explained my retarded situation and he was sound. I ate the food in their place, called one of the lads using his phone.

Braz eventually arrived back to let me in.

Anyway once i got back from dropping Braz back from where he came from I created a disc of TV shows that yer man said he liked but hadn’t seen during the course of our awkward conversations and dropped it over. 2 minute job but it seemed like the right thing to do.

[quote=“cluaindiuic”]Ah tinnion, where is your sense of neighbourhoodliness.

There a few months back I left my apartment to go downstairs to meet the dude delivering me some Chinese food. I planned to leave the door a little ajar. I walked down the hallway and heard the door close behind me. No keys… SHIT!!! No Phone. Can’t call anyone and the lads won’t be back til God knows.
I didn’t even have shoes on.

Anyway after a while I decided the best course of action was to knock on the door of the lads across the hall.
A fella let me in. I imagine in his position I would have been less hospitable but I explained my retarded situation and he was sound. I ate the food in their place, called one of the lads using his phone.

Braz eventually arrived back to let me in.

Anyway once i got back from dropping Braz back from where he came from I created a disc of TV shows that yer man said he liked but hadn’t seen during the course of our awkward conversations and dropped it over. 2 minute job but it seemed like the right thing to do.[/quote]

That is actually much gheyer, you made a dude a mix tape?

There is droppin up a few leftover beers, but you made a fooking mix tape for your new friend.

Friend… mix tape friend.

Well no, it was the new series of entourage.

[quote=“cluaindiuic”]Ah tinnion, where is your sense of neighbourhoodliness.

There a few months back I left my apartment to go downstairs to meet the dude delivering me some Chinese food. I planned to leave the door a little ajar. I walked down the hallway and heard the door close behind me. No keys… SHIT!!! No Phone. Can’t call anyone and the lads won’t be back til God knows.
I didn’t even have shoes on.

Anyway after a while I decided the best course of action was to knock on the door of the lads across the hall.
A fella let me in. I imagine in his position I would have been less hospitable but I explained my retarded situation and he was sound. I ate the food in their place, called one of the lads using his phone.

Braz eventually arrived back to let me in.

Anyway once i got back from dropping Braz back from where he came from I created a disc of TV shows that yer man said he liked but hadn’t seen during the course of our awkward conversations and dropped it over. 2 minute job but it seemed like the right thing to do.[/quote]

To the ‘Things That Are Wrong’ thread with this story immediately.

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very very ghey

This is all very disturbing. I’m not calling judgement on cluaindiuic here, the guy clearly helped him out, so it’s different to TT*'s story. In TT*'s story the guy sounds like one of these people who would organise a 12 pubs of Christmas type thing. I can imagine him talking to his mates:

TT*'s Boyf: “Jesus that party of mine was mental wasn’t”

TT*'s Boyf’s mate: “Dude, what about your neighbours, they must really angry with you”

TT*'s Boyf: “Yeah they probably are, I’ll give them some beer to show them that despite being a crazy mofo I can be a nice guy”.


I hate my neighbours.

[quote=“briantinnion”]This is all very disturbing. I’m not calling judgement on cluaindiuic here, the guy clearly helped him out, so it’s different to TT*'s story. In TT*'s story the guy sounds like one of these people who would organise a 12 pubs of Christmas type thing. I can imagine him talking to his mates:

TT*'s Boyf: “Jesus that party of mine was mental wasn’t”

TT*'s Boyf’s mate: “Dude, what about your neighbours, they must really angry with you”

TT*'s Boyf: “Yeah they probably are, I’ll give them some beer to show them that despite being a crazy mofo I can be a nice guy”.


I hate my neighbours.[/quote]

Fair play to Tipptops neighbour I say. He didn’t have to do that but it was a nice gesture to his fellow man.

CLD on the other hand…

I would have been locked out for hours without the random help of whoever happened to be living across the hall.

I had no idea who would answer. I wouldn’t have been able to pick one person who lived there out of a line up before then.

So yeah, ye manly men can spin it like that if ye like but the reward for helping me avoid being locked out of the house for many hours in winter is this. As I said it was a 2 minute job. A token effort.

I’d do it again in the same situation.

Evidence that cluaindiuic is gay.

  1. He loves cock.

Nobody comes out of these examples well. Nobody.

No harm in maintaining friendly relations with a neighbourman, in my opinion. A friend of mine, an apartment dweller, had a party, not a particluarly raucous one, and the cunt next door sought out the fusebox and shut off his electricity. It’s better when that sort of thing doesn’t happen.

[quote=“tipptops*”]The chap in the flat below my one had a party there last Monday night. It wasn’t too loud or anything and anyway I wouldn’t be in any position to complain to the chap after the shower of animals I had in around the place on AI weekend. So I was just settling down to watch CBB at around 10 last night when there was a knock on the door - there was yer man with a six pack of Sol beer. “Just giving you this after the noise the other night”. I tried to stop the chap but he wouldn’t hear of it. I don’t even know the chaps name but there is 6 bottles of Sol waiting for me to enjoy watching the darts later on.

Very Right.[/quote]

That is an alright sort thing to do. Making a CD of a lad’s favourite shows unprompted I may add, is exceptionally ghay however.