Things that are right

Fucking hell.

Over-reaction much?

A girl I work with, her boyfriend was in a similar situation to me. Only difference was it was later at night and he was a little drunk having just come home from a night out. He decided to go sleep outside the front door. One of the neighbours called the cops and the cops took him in to the cells for the night.

I’d rather be classed as ghey than be the fucking fuse box guy or the auld bitch who called the cops.

[quote=“cluaindiuic”]I would have been locked out for hours without the random help of whoever happened to be living across the hall.

I had no idea who would answer. I wouldn’t have been able to pick one person who lived there out of a line up before then.

So yeah, ye manly men can spin it like that if ye like but the reward for helping me avoid being locked out of the house for many hours in winter is this. As I said it was a 2 minute job. A token effort.

I’d do it again in the same situation.[/quote]

Do you know how I know your gay?

My answer is bolded…

[David and Cal are playing “Mortal Kombat: Deception.” Dave is Baraka, while Cal is Sub-Zero]
Cal: You’re gay now?
David: No, I’m not gay, I’m just celibate.
Cal: That sounds gay. I mean, I just want you to know this is like the first conversation of like three conversations that lead to you being gay. Like there’s this, and then in a year it’s like “Oh you know, I kinda wanna, ya know, get back out there but I think I like guys” and then there’s the big, “Oh I’m, I’m a g-gay guy now”.
David: You’re gay for saying that.
Cal: [Laughing] Oh, I’m gay for saying that.
David: You know how I know you’re gay?
Cal: How? How do you know I’m gay?
David: Because you macramed yourself a pair of jean shorts.
Cal: You know how I know you’re gay? You just told me you’re not sleeping with women anymore.
David: You know how I know that you’re gay?
Cal: How? Cuz you’re gay? And you can tell who other gay people are?
David: You know how I know you’re gay?
Cal: How?
David: You like Coldplay.
[Cal loses first match; screen cuts to video game footage of Baraka tearing Sub-Zero in half]
Cal: Aw, shit. Ow. Dude, at least leave my torso alone.
David: You know how I know that you’re gay?
Cal: How?
David: You like the movie “Maid in Manhattan”.
Cal: You know how I know you’re gay?
David: How?
Cal: I saw you make a spinach dip in a loaf of sour dough bread once.
David: You know how I know that you’re gay?
Cal: How?
David: You have a rainbow bumper sticker on your car that says, “I love it when balls are in my face.”
Cal: That’s gay?
David: God damn it!
[David loses second match and smokes a bowl; screen cuts to video game footage of Sub-Zero’s fatality]
Cal: I’m ripping your head off right now. It’s off, and now I’m throwing it at your body. (shouts) Fuck you!
David: Arr.

Anyone going on holiday?

[quote=“cluaindiuic”]My answer is bolded…

[David and Cal are playing “Mortal Kombat: Deception.” Dave is Baraka, while Cal is Sub-Zero]
Cal: You’re gay now?
David: No, I’m not gay, I’m just celibate.
Cal: That sounds gay. I mean, I just want you to know this is like the first conversation of like three conversations that lead to you being gay. Like there’s this, and then in a year it’s like “Oh you know, I kinda wanna, ya know, get back out there but I think I like guys” and then there’s the big, “Oh I’m, I’m a g-gay guy now”.
David: You’re gay for saying that.
Cal: [Laughing] Oh, I’m gay for saying that.
David: You know how I know you’re gay?
Cal: How? How do you know I’m gay?
David: Because you macramed yourself a pair of jean shorts.
Cal: You know how I know you’re gay? You just told me you’re not sleeping with women anymore.
David: You know how I know that you’re gay?
Cal: How? Cuz you’re gay? And you can tell who other gay people are?
David: You know how I know you’re gay?
Cal: How?
David: You like Coldplay.
[Cal loses first match; screen cuts to video game footage of Baraka tearing Sub-Zero in half]
Cal: Aw, shit. Ow. Dude, at least leave my torso alone.
David: You know how I know that you’re gay?
Cal: How?
David: You like the movie “Maid in Manhattan”.
Cal: You know how I know you’re gay?
David: How?
Cal: I saw you make a spinach dip in a loaf of sour dough bread once.
David: You know how I know that you’re gay?
Cal: How?
David: You have a rainbow bumper sticker on your car that says, “I love it when balls are in my face.”
Cal: That’s gay?
David: God damn it!
[David loses second match and smokes a bowl; screen cuts to video game footage of Sub-Zero’s fatality]
Cal: I’m ripping your head off right now. It’s off, and now I’m throwing it at your body. (shouts) Fuck you!
David: Arr.[/quote]

No because you make random strangers mix tapes

I can confirm that to the best of my knowledge, and in spite of this undoubted act of gayness, CLD is heterosexual.

I’d also like to point out that while the random cunt across the way got a free DVD for letting him eat in his apartment, I got jack fuck for interrupting my night of boozing to let the stupid fucker into our place. I should have seen how far he’d have gone with your man to get a bed for the night really.

This absolute legend.

Colman’s Mustard.

In fairness all types of mustard are right…fucking super stuff…

Did you ever get that Mustard Pickle relish, it is like a mustard based Branston Pickle…fucking delicious:popcorn:

[quote=“Thrawneen”]This absolute legend.[/quote]What a hell of a guy :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


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Do the tabloids still have these?

They were cool.

The bird that was standing across from me on the Luas this evening.

If you are reading this sweetheart I was the guy sitting down towards the back of the tram, staring straight at you for the bulk of the journey, and looking from side to side on occassion so as not to make it obvious!

PM me.

Andy Burton freezing his nuts on at Stoke on Soccer AM, the only thing lacking was some cunt hitting him with a snowball.

The Big Freeze has created the internet’s latest celebrity, but the search for his actual identity outlasted the cold snap.

A young man who was filmed by RTE News slipping in dramatic fashion on ice in Dublin has become an internet phenomenon, with nearly one million people viewing his heavy fall on YouTube since it was posted on January 8.

RTE was filming ‘vox pops’ about the hazardous conditions on Dublin’s Church Street, close to the Four Courts, when a man is seen rounding a corner and slipping on the glassy ice before crashing to the pavement and exclaiming: “Oh s***”.

A spokeswoman for RTE stated that they checked after the incident if the man was alright and while they did not get the unlucky pedestrian’s details they would be delighted if he got in touch to discuss his new-found fame.

A number of Facebook groups have been established to try and identify the ‘Ice Fall Guy’, with numerous members of the social networking site claiming to be the Internet star. However the man in question, has been identified as being from being from Navan, Co Meath. A dedicated Facebook site titled ‘We have found the RTE fall guy’ has been set up with a link to his own personal page.

The page runs under the tagline: “He thought he could hide but his status update has given him away.”

The plight of the Big Freeze Faller has gone international with newspapers in the UK, Turkey and the US reporting on it. On Friday, a Canadian television station requested the footage from RTE.

Perhaps when the man goes public he can recount his treacherous tale – just like the 6,000 members of the Facebook group entitled ‘I fell on my arse in the big freeze of 2009-2010’.

  • Eoin Hahessy

Sunday Independent

Facebook are cleaning house these days.

Finding a box full of socks when you had just about given up on the mysterious disappearance of all your socks.

The dust from the bottom of bags of dry roasted peanuts.

Not as much dust as in the old days though I find.

“Topless Lesbians Who Shift Each Other”

This was the name of a support act I saw on a poster in town during lunch.