Things that are right

Tight tops on fit female co workers.

If I were you I’d give a bit more detail. :stuck_out_tongue:

Fit female co workers.

Jaysus, slipped up there…

[quote=“myboyblue”]Fit female co workers.

Jaysus, slipped up there…[/quote]

Its not like you to slip up where wimin’ are concerned BooBoo
Everything alright?

January .

Little skirts on fit female workers.

Just had one of these there - tried it on the George Foreman grill. Superb.

Work colleagues in short tight black skirts with black tights slightly of the fish net classy but not slutty variety. Tremendous.

Also icebergers. It’s been the daily ice-cream of choice in this household since the magnum and then brunch fad passed.

[quote=“Jugs”]Work colleagues in short tight black skirts with black tights slightly of the fish net classy but not slutty variety. Tremendous.

especially when you add slut wellys to the equation

Penguin bars and a cup of tea (you with me Fran?!)

Who’s a penguins favourite Aunt?

[quote=“Mac”]Penguin bars and a cup of tea (you with me Fran?!)

Who’s a penguins favourite Aunt?[/quote]


Give the others a chance will ye?

Fuck the others. Us Wexicans are giving others too many chances for years Mac. Time to take a sta…

Ah fuck it. Yeah, I’ll wait a while for someone else the next time.

Why do Seagulls fly over the Sea?

Beacuse if they flew over the bay they would be bagels.

On the topic of things that are nice. OLIVES !!! Got they are great.Had a feed of green ones last night and red ones today.
Best food ever. No doubt someone will come out now and say how bad they are.
Still though, just swam 2k at lunch and I could bull cows.

Yours in energy to burn,

Going to have a right crack at the swimming pool later.

Can’t stand olives. Hate the fookin things.

I used to hate them. Then I had a bowl of them with crushed carrot and garlic and I would have gone through the concrete wall if I was asked.
Of course you can’t breath on anyone for a day after that.

The swimming pool was deadly at lunch. Did a very good session.
Kayaking on Sunday morning so no doubt will need to be swimming then.
Swimming in the cold and waves is a different ball of wax though.
Got caught in a rip before christmas when I fell in the water trying to help a lad get back into his kayak. got thrown up on the rocks. Barnacles did a fine job on slicing me up. I covered my face though so I’m still a knockout.

Yours etc,

Hmm, I’ll pass on the carrots and garlic as well cheers anyway.

because they expect sardines to be thrown from the trawler.

its that kind of tripe there that has you so prominet in the IOTY mix