Things that are right

What is a dead dictator going to do about it?

MBB blocked from posting on here in work :clap:
Ah lovely.

Mbb’s daytime posting regularly kept this place ticking over. But for the likes of him and the runt there are days when you could close this place from 9 to 5.

Yeah, kept it ticking over alright-pity he’s a boring bastard though.

No harm for MBB to do a bit of work for a change…

Sup all the tae he wants in the bog now

You say that now but you’ll see, you’ll all see.

Wahey <_<

Mr fucking charisma in the corner eh… Rocko I apologise if this turn of events brings about the end of this site. I done all I could to keep things going, in the face of idiots like the above at times. I’ll keep in touch.

On a somewhat related note I footed a fuck load of turf on the bog at the weekend, jaysus but its only a tremendous way to spend a day. Sun shining, bit of banter with your mates and family, the mug of tae arriving half way through proceedings, and a few swift pints with the lads to wash down the dust after. Nice aul colour coming up now to boot. Its how it should be, a lot of townie cunts here wouldn’t know what I was talking about though I imagine. A cunt from Wexico in work here tried to compare it to picking fucking strawberries, stupid fucking strawberry picking cunts has no clue. Strawberries, I fucking ask you

id much rather foot turf than pick fucking strawberries.

ban this mong

On a somewhat related note to what??

i think he meant to write “on a somewhat retarded note”


:rolleyes: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz




Ah oh alla boo hah ha boo

The thread title, ie things that are right you fucking mong. On another related note I love when Dunph starts to get brave. Lovely stuff.