Things that are right

Bogs and the word right aren’t on a related note at all.

I had a right cleansing experience on the bog there a few minutes ago. Feel free to ask to come along to foot some turf with us some day Flano, you’ll be the better for It, make a man out of you. You could be the first Dublin man on a bog since the fella who dumped Jo Jos body.

:lol: :lol:

Are you for real bro?

I think you’ll find the prime suspect for that is from Laois. Sicko.

Us Laois folk know the true story here.

Shocking admission from MBB.

Yeah you know the true story alright you sick fook.

I agree with Flano when he said, ‘FUCK. FUCK. HORSESHITE.’

Blow ins Sid. I would be interested in seeing a link to your information however?

I have to say I’ve never footed turf in the bog, but then again we’re blessed with the best land in the country

mbb has turned into a right gimp over the last 6 months - a year…


Get to fuck out of that you clown.

Christ, that’s worse than the post about the cop seeing the GAA bag and letting you off.


It was indeed the worst post ever witnessed on this portal.


I have done it Fran and I can confirm that it is the worst fucking day that you could put in.

Some retards claiming to enjoy it in order to enhance their country, man of the land. image.

Get to fuck.

farmer is typing what we are all thinking…

Thought you were one of those ‘days on the bog are legendary’ types Puke?

scientific fact.

have done it a few times but wouldn’t be one for blowing it out of all proportion and saying it is one of the best things in the world, can be a cunt of a day depending and will seperate men from boys…would rather it than picking stones…