Things that are right

I fucking hated it. A cunt of a place. Each to their own though.

Ah, it seems I think it’s a crap post for different reasons than some of you. Projecting a mystique out of it appears to have irked Farmer and Puke whereas I just fucking hate boggers full stop.

[quote=“Bandage, post: 164560”]
Ah, it seems I think it’s a crap post for different reasons than some of you. Projecting a mystique out of it appears to have irked Farmer and Puke whereas I just fucking hate boggers full stop.[/quote]


I preferred stones to potatoes, mostly due to the time of the year. I fucking hated picking spuds, be lucky to do 3-4 boxes a day, had no motivation for it at all, even if it was decent twine for my age.

Turf me bollix…

Ah Puke as an office worker there’s something thats just right about putting in a days solid manual labour. To be honest if there was a living to be made on the land I’d still be there. And there’s a bit of crack to be had doing a bit of labour with your old man. I’d never be ashamed of that or saying it. As for the stones Picking, we wouldn’t have many of them in Laois unlike the west which is just one big rock. Some fellas from the land like to leave it all behind when they leave. Not me. As for the bog, our turf is in Offaly, which is nothing but bog bless it.


My old lad for some bizarre reason likes to go hard core altogether and use a slean to cut the turf. Ah we dont kill ourselves up there but once the midgets start coming out I tend to go. I cannot operate with those yokes biting ya. Was supposed to be a right laugh when my cousin from D4 came down to give him a hand one year to experience country life.

Picking spuds was my first real job. I liked it. 35p a bag and you would fill the bag up pretty fast. Come out with about 25 punts a day which wasnt bad for a few weeks work when you were 14. We would all sit up on top of the trailer after the day at work and unload them at the sheds good times.

I used love physical work when I was younger. Roofing in particular was good on a nice day though the lads I used work with were bandits so safety wasnt exactly paramount. I was pretty handy at putting down timber floors and that. Not much too it in truth. Put down a profitable summer labouring for blocklayers too. Good money. Tough work but you would get used to it after a couple of weeks. The one job I absolutely despised was labouring for plasterers in America. The clean up took about 2 hours every evening. It was awful and the boss was a cunt.

Picking stones :smiley: WTF

Ah deadly. I’m going to tsk and glug and enjoy this.

[quote=“KIB man, post: 164565”]
…but once the midgets start coming out I tend to go. I cannot operate with those yokes biting ya. [/quote]

What the fook…

were you footing turf on the set of a blink182 video?

What about the wet and cold days? Typical lazy attitude to work from the all singing all educated twaat from Clare.

The fact that it took you “weeks” to get used to labouring for a block layer is another indication to me that there is no way in hell you played Senior football. :rolleyes:

You bring one block (or 2, but obviously not in your case) from one pile, and put it in another pile beside the block layer. High tech stuff alright. :lol:

Picking stones was needed sometimes when landscaping someones garden. Also picking stones in fields for a farmer was if they didn’t have the modern(well modern when i was young) equipment that picks stones for ya. The farmer (like the householder) may want to plant something, or cultivate the land differently but there may be too many stones on the topsoil.

That’s because you are a backward fuck from the arsehole of Clare (no offence Puke, WTB or any other Clare posters), who has had the neck to Leitrim backward in the past.

Also, does everyone of your posts have to contain a list of achievements, like being handy at putting down timber floors? Who gives a shite? Or that Bernard McNamara gave you his business card? Or that you were sponsored on some job, or got an honours degree or whatever that shite was you were spouting on before about?

Thought MBB’s Jo Jo Dollard comment would have gotten you on your high horse again and made you quit here for a while, until you went back on your word but no such luck.

Things That Are Right: Not being a bogger tard who goes on about cutting turf and picking up stones.

Boggers - aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhh.

Ya farmer but has he ever taken over a shop and turned it into one of the most profitable in the country.

Thats when you know you’ve arrived. :lol:

Amen to that. Easily the most boring and annoying poster on here.

Things that are right - Farmer’s posts on the last 2 pages of this thread.

Take a bow Farmer, but do it slowly

Up near Mount Callan there would often be a bit of a sea breeze getting in which would keep the cunts away but later on in the evening it would be time to get out of there.

Someone like a backward fuck from Leitrim with an inferiority complex perhaps? :smiley: Is that a 100 word response from someone who doesnt give a shite I see?


Ah I did it on the wet and cold days too Kev. Generally we would have it latted and felted on the dryish day so we could get to work on the inside when it pissed. Ah sure we would be educated though.

Another great one by you - to be a senior club footballer you have to be good at labouring for blocklayers. I actually dread for the u-14s you train. It was a good summer that, working for lads only a few years older than I was so the slagging was good craic. Come back to me when you can master the ten brick challenge.